Lines on palm begin to form about four
weeks after conception. By the end of
the fourth month the formation of lines,
ridges and creases on the fi ngers and
palms is complete, and this structure
remains the same for the rest of the
person's life making hands like a fossil
record of our life in the uterus.
According to medical science the major
lines on hands are formed within 2.5 to
3 months of period after conception. The
process of formation of minute lines gets
completed by 6 months. As per medical
science the comprehensive knowledge
of palmistry remains hidden in 21st
chromosome which means that the
development of our lines is completely
based on genetics.
According to a research in medical
science some kind of irregularity in
21st chromosome can cause mental in
stability in children and it is observed
that their heart line and head line
merge into one. This type of child can be
eccentric because according to medical
science this is a symptom of fatal alcohol
syndrome and genetic abnormalities.
According to medical science Head Line
and Heart Line join when in the fi rst few
weeks of pregnancy the mother of child
goes through some kind of mental stress
or tension. It also proves that state of
mind of mother can bring changes in the
lines of hands of her child. This is true
because genetic fact creates the lines
whereas the mother's condition during
pregnancy and the upbringing of child
can change the health and future of the
As per the science of palmistry various
areas of hand activate specifi c areas of
brain and accordingly they are associated
with various planets. For example the
area below index fi nger is known as
mount of Jupiter as this point of hand
is directly connected with the knowledge
area of our brain. The area below middle
fi nger is mount of Saturn because it is
related with action area of a brain. The
little fi nger is connected with that area
of our brain which remains involved in
scientifi c calculations, therefore the area
below this fi nger is known as mount of
Two nerves are connected to ring fi nger
whereas the other fi ngers are controlled
by one nerve only. The larger area of our
brain is controlled by this area only and
therefore ring fi nger is most important
among all fi ngers and that is why it is
rightly termed as fi nger of Sun. Probably
for this reason only, most of the gems are
worn in this fi nger. The other important
activities like pooja ceremonies, counting
the beads of rosary for recitation of
mantras or putting mark on forehead
etc. are performed with this fi nger only.
One of the most fascinating things
discovered about hands is the ratio
between the second and fourth digit
and its link to levels of testosterone
and astrogen. This has become known
as the "Digit Ratio" or "2D : 4D ratio",
and is obtained when the length of the
second (index/ 2D) fi nger is measured,
and divided by the length of the fourth
(ring/4D) fi nger.
This ratio has been found to be one of the
only sexually dimorphic (different norms
for men and women) characteristics that
are fi xed before puberty. Men tend to have
longer fourth (ring) fi ngers compared to
their index fi nger, while women have
longer index fi ngers comparatively.
Simplifi ed, the fourth fi ngers length is
positively correlated to testosterone,
while the second (index) fi nger with
In Europeans 2D:4D ranges between 1.0
and 0.96, with females tending towards
the higher values and males tending
towards the lower.
Conclusion: Males with a lower
2D:4D ratios (greater fetal exposure to
testosterone) have been correlated with
being more fertile, more aggressive, and
having higher music & sports aptitude.
Men with higher 2D : 4D ratios have
been found to be more at risk for heart
Male to female transsexuals were found
to have a higher digit ratio than control
males, but one that was comparable to
control females.
Lower digit ratios in women have
been correlated (but not statistically
signifi cant) with lesbian/bisexual
tendencies, along with aggressiveness
and assertiveness.
Women with higher digit ratios are more
at risk for breast cancer, and more
Schizophrenic men and women were
found to have higher digit ratios and a
lower 2D:4D ratio has also been found
more often in those with Autism.
Colour of Hands: Beyond digit ratio,
there are other medical clues we can
gather from our hands. The colour and
appearance of our hands can often be a
good indicator of our general health:
Poor blood circulation (a symptom for a
variety of ailments) can cause hands to
take on a blue-ish hue. Red hands may
indicate cirrhosis of the liver.
Fingernails: Diabetes is often
accompanied with "Terry's nails" (half
white, half pink nails). Blue fi ngernails
can be sign of heavy metal poisoning,
(very) poor circulation, lung or heart
problems. Yellow or green fi nger nails
can indicate a respiratory problem.
Clubbing (nails curve over the fi ngertips)
is often caused by low oxygen levels in
the blood, and could be a sign of lung,
liver or bowel disease. Spoon nails
(concave shaped) may indicate an iron
defi ciency.
Fingerprints: Dermatoglyphics is the
scientifi c study of fi ngerprints, and rare
dermatoglyphic patterns often relate to
genetic disorders.
In one study patients with Alzheimer's
showed a signifi cantly increased
frequency of ulnar loops on their
fi ngertips.
A pattern of eight or more ulnar loops
was found signifi cantly more often in
patients with Alzheimer's (72%) than in
the control group (26%).
Certain swirl patterns are known to be
associated with genetic disorders such
as Downs syndrome.
In this way our palm denotes our
development and future after conception
by mother.
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