Non-Luminous (Aprakash) Grahas

Non-Luminous (Aprakash) Grahas  

Views : 5317 | October 2009

Maharishi Parasara has stated that there are 5 Aprakash Grahas, 5 Upagrahas and Pranapada. These are only shadowy planets and have no body of their own. It is purely based on certain mathematical calculations which is also given by the rishi in his magnum Opus Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. Their effects on the life of the native is also given exhaustively. Here I propose to take up only the Aprakash Grahas. As the name suggests these are grahas without light. They are the result of reaction of Sun and the zodiac of 360 degrees which we call as Bha Chakra (Vishnu). I will come to that point later. Chapter 3 Slokas 61 to 64 gives formula for calculation of Non-luminous (Aprakash) Grahas. Verse 65 tells about the effects of these Sub-Grahas. Again a full chapter No. 25 is given for the effects of these Non-luminous Grahas. Calculation Rules:

1. Add 4 Rasis 13 degrees and 20 minutes i.e. 133 degrees and 20 minutes to Sun’s longitude at a given moment which will give the position of Dhuma. Parasara qualifies Dhuma as ‘all inauspicious’.

2. Reduce Dhuma from 12 Rasis or 360 degrees to get the Vyatipata... According to the Rishi this is also inauspicious.

3. Add six Rasis or 180 degrees to Vyatipata to know the position of Parivesha. This is extremely inauspicious.

4. Deduct Parivesh from 12 Rasis or 360 degrees to arrive at the position of IndraChap (Indra Dhanush) who is also inauspicious.

5. Add 16 degrees 40 minutes to Chap, which will give Ketu (UpaKetu), who is a malefic. By adding a Rasi to UpaKetu, you get the original Longitude of Sun. This is just to verify whether the calculations have been done correctly. All these Grahas are malefics by nature and cause affliction. Effects of Aprakash-Grahas: If one of these afflicts Sun, the native’s dynasty will decline. If Moon and Lagna respectively are associated with one of these, it will destroy the longevity and wisdom. In the Tamil version of Jatakalankaram Keeranur Nataraja gives dignities for these Aprakash Grahas.

One exception to this rule: From Sun to Saturn no one is exalted in the above-mentioned Rasis nor debilitated in the above-mentioned Rasis. Mars - Dhuma Moon - Paridhi/Parivesha Venus - Kothanda/Indrachapa Rahu - Pata/Vyatipata Ketu - Upaketu Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This rule is clearly explained many many years ago in the creation of Aprakash Grahas. Sun creates Dhuma by adding 133 degrees and 20 minutes. Why? This addition factor naturally falls in the 5th house of natural Zodiac-Leo which is the beginning of Bhuva Loka (Solar system). To counteract this creation Vishnu created Vyatipata by deducting the Dhuma position from 360 degree. To show his opposition Sun created Parivesha (we add 180 degrees which is the opposing sign).

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Again Vishnu uses the zodiac of 360 degrees and deducts the Parivesha to create Indrachap. To bring it near to him Sun adds 16 degrees 40 minutes to Indrachap and creates Upaketu. (Earlier we added 13 degrees 20 minutes while creating Dhuma. The remaining parts of Leo rasi (30 degrees minus 13 degree 20 minutes gives 16 degree 40 minutes) is added by Sun here. Vishnu leaves it here as he sees that there are still 30 degrees left out to reach the Sun. An example Calculation will make things clear. A male born on 5th October, 1949 at 13:47;

Place: 79 E 23 and 10 N 58 Ayanamsa used: 23:09:19 Degrees Minutes Sign Sun’s 168 36 Virgo - 18°36’ Longitude Add 133 20 Dhuma 301 56 Aquarius - 1°56’ Full Circle 360 00 Deduct 301 56 Dhuma Vyatipata 58 04 Taurus - 28°04’ Add 180 00 Parivesha 238 04 Scorpio - 28°04’ Full Circle 360 00 Deduct 238 04 Parivesh Indrachapa 121 56 Leo - 1°56’ Add 16 40 UpaKetu 138 36 Leo - 18°36’ Add 30 00 Sun’s 168 36 Verified. Longitude Dhuma means ‘smoke’ or a ‘meteor’. Sun’s Longitude + 133°20’ Dhuma burns things up. It is the negative burning fire of the Sun. Dhuma is the violent son of Mars.

Mars had two sons Mrityu and Dhuma. Mrityu indicates physical suffering and death while Dhuma indicates violence inflicted on others. Since Dhuma indicates the highest heat it simply burns up everything and leaves only smoke. Since he is the son of Mars, probably lordship of this aprakash graham is assigned to Mars. Bhava Effect Lagna Native will be valiant, endowed with beautiful eyes, stupefied in disposition, unkind, wicked and highly short tempered. 2nd Native will be sickly, wealthy, devoid of a limb, will incur humiliation at royal level, dull-witted and a eunuch. 3rd Native will be intelligent, very bold, delighted, and eloquent endowed with men and wealth. 4th Native will be grieved on account of being given up by his female but will be learned in all shastras. 5th Native will have limited progeny, be devoid of wealth, be great, will eat anything and be bereft of friends and mantras. 6th Native will be strong, will conquer his enemies, be very brilliant, famous and free from diseases.

7th Native will be penniless, be ever sensuous, skillful in going to others’ females, and be always devoid of brilliance. 8th Native will be bereft of courage but the enthusiastic, be truthful, disagreeable, hardhearted and selfish. 9th Native will be endowed with sons and fortunes, be rich, honorable. Kind, religious and well disposed to his relatives. 10th Native will be endowed with sons and fortunes, be delighted, intelligent, happy and truthful. 11th Native will be endowed with wealth and grains and gold, be beautiful, will have knowledge of arts, be modest and be skillful in singing. 12th Native will be morally fallen, will indulge in sinful acts, be interested in others’ wives, and addicted to vices, unkind and crafty. Vyatipata: 360° - Longitude of Dhuma This is the fire of the Sun taken to the Zodiac.

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As the longitude of the Sun increases, Vyatipata will be decreasing. Vyatipata creates chaos and havoc and is akin to Rahu. Lordship also goes to Rahu. Bhava Effect Lagna One will be troubled by miseries, be cruel, will indulge in destructive acts, be foolish, and will be ill-disposed to his relatives. 2nd Native will be morally crooked, be bilious, will enjoy pleasures, be unkind but grateful, and be wicked and sinful. 3rd Native will be firm in disposition, be a warrior, be liberal, very rich, and dear to King and be head of an army. 4th Native will be endowed with relatives etc. but not sons and fortunes. 5th Native will be poor, be charming in appearance, will have imbalances of phlegm, bile and wind, and be hard-hearted and shameless.

6th Native will destroy his enemies, be physically mighty, skilful in use of all kinds of weapons and in arts and be peaceful in disposition. 7th Native will be bereft of wealth, wife and sons, will subdue to females, be miserable, sensuous, shameless and friendly to others. 8th Native will have deformity of eyes, be ugly, unfortunate, spiteful to Brahmins and be troubled by disorders of blood. 9th Native will have many kinds of business and many friends, be very learned, well disposed to his wife and be eloquent. 10th Native will be rich, religious, peaceful, skillful in religious acts, very learned and farsighted.

11th Native will be extremely opulent, be honorable, truthful, firm in policy, endowed with many horses and be interested in singing. 12th Native will be given to anger, associated with many activities, disabled, irreligious and will hate his own relatives. Parivesh: Vyatipata + 180° (6 signs) This is the opposite of Vyatipata. Parivesha means environment or circumstances. It destroys the environment or circumstances and creates lots of problems. It causes dirt and pollution as well as destroys the surroundings. It is akin to negative Moon. Hence its lordship goes to Moon. Bhava Effect Lagna Native will be learned, truthful, peaceful, rich, endowed with sons, pure, charitable and dear to elders.

2nd Native will be wealthy, charming, will enjoy pleasures, happy, very religious and be a lord. 3rd Native will be fond of his wife, very charming, pious, and well disposed to his men, a servant and respectful to his elders. 4th Native will be wonderstruck, helpful to enemies as well, kind, endowed with everything and skillful in singing. 5th Native will be affluent, virtuous, splendorous, affectionate, religious and dear to his wife. 6th Native will be famous and wealthy, endowed with sons and pleasures, helpful to all and conquer his enemies. 7th Native will have limited number of children, devoid of happiness, of mediocre intelligence, very hard-hearted and will have a sickly wife. 8th Native will be spiritually disposed, peaceful, strong-bodied, firm in decision, religious and gentle.

9th Native will be endowed with sons, happy, brilliant, very affluent, devoid of excessive passion, honorable and happy with even an iota. 10th Native will be versed in arts, will enjoy pleasures, be strong-bodied and learned in all shastras. 11th Native will enjoy pleasures through women, be virtuous, intelligent, and dear to his people and will suffer disorders of digestive fire. 12th Native will always be a spendthrift, miserable, firm and will dishonor elders. Indrachapa: Called as ‘Kothanda’, ‘Indra-Dhanus’ or ‘Karmuka’. Indra-Chapa is an invisible satellite of Venus. 360° - Parivesh. It is the ‘Kothanda’ of Rama and can cause terrible destruction and piercing. It is akin to the anger of Parasurama (negative Venus).

Hence the lordship goes to Venus. It is also the bow of Indra or the rainbow. Indra is the King of heaven and his duty is to bring rain. Once his duty is over he places his bow (rainbow) in the sky. Bhava Effect Lagna Native will be endowed with wealth, grains and gold, be grateful, agreeable and devoid of all afflictions. 2nd Native will speak affably, be very rich, modest, learned, charming and religious. 3rd Native will be a miser, be versed in many arts, will indulge in thieving, be devoid of some limb and be unfriendly. 4th Native will be happy, endowed with quadruped, wealth, grains etc., be honored by the King and be devoid of sickness.

करियर से जुड़ी किसी भी समस्या का ज्योतिषीय उपाय पाएं हमारे करियर एक्सपर्ट ज्योतिषी से।

5th Native will be splendorous, far-sighted, pious, and affable and will acquire prosperity in all his undertakings. 6th Native will destroy his enemies, be happy, affectionate, and pure and will achieve abundance in all his undertakings. 7th Native will be wealthy, endowed with all virtues, learned in shastras, religious and agreeable. 8th Native will be interested in other’s jobs, be cruel, interested in others’ wives and be defective limbed. 9th Native will perform penitence, will take to religious observations, be highly learned and be famous among men. 10th Native will be endowed with many sons, abundant wealth, cows, buffaloes, etc. and will be famous among men. 11th Native will be gainful, free from diseases, very fiery in disposition, affectionate to his wife and will have knowledge of mantras and weapons (or missiles).

12th Native will be wicked, very honorable, evil in disposition, shameless, will go to other’s females and be ever poor. UpaKetu: Also called as ‘Dhwaya’ or ‘Sikhi’. Indrachapa + 16°40’ Verification: Upaketu+1 sign or 30°= Long. of Sun Upaketu is akin to negative Ketu and can create considerable destruction. It will simply reverse whatever indications are seen. Bhava Effect Lagna Native will be skillful in all branches of learning, be happy, efficient in speech, agreeable and be very affectionate. 2nd Native will be a good and affable speaker, be splendorous, will write poetry, be scholarly, honorable, and modest and endowed with conveyances. 3rd Native will be miserly, cruel in acts, thin-bodied, poor and will incur severe diseases. 4th Native will be charming, very virtuous, gentle, interested in Vedas and be always happy.

5th Native will be happy, will enjoy pleasures, be versed in arts, skilled in expedients, intelligent, eloquent and will respect elders. 6th Native will be ominous for maternal relatives, will win over his enemies, and be endowed with many relatives, valiant, splendorous and skillful. 7th Native will be interested in gambling, be sensuous, will enjoy pleasures and will be befriend prostitutes. 8th Native will be interested in base acts, be sinful, shameless, will blame others, will lack in mental happiness and will take others’ side. 9th Native will wear (religious) badges, be delighted, helpfully disposed to all and be skilled in religious deeds. 10th Native will be endowed with happiness and fortunes, be fond of females and be charitable and will befriend Brahmins. 11th Native will ever acquire gains, be very religious, honorable, affluent, fortunate, valiant and skilled in sacrificial rites. 12th Native will be interested in sinful acts, be valiant, untrustworthy, unkind, interested in others’ females and be short-tempered.

Aprakash grahas are generally best in Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses). They depend on the dustanas (6th, 8th and 12th houses). In other houses they produce generally negative effects. The effects are generally felt in the dasa of the planets associating with them. But since these are only shadowy planets, the effects manifest themselves during the whole life of the native suitably modified by the influences of the dasas etc. According to Jataka Parijata the lordship for aprakash grahas are: Aprakash Exaltation Debilitation Swakshetra Malefic Graha (Own house) Sign Dhuma Leo Aquarius Capricorn Aries, Scorpio Vyatipata Scorpio Taurus Gemini Libra Parivesha Gemini Sagittarius Sagittarius Pisces Indrachapa Sagittarius Gemini Cancer Cancer UpaKetu Aquarius Leo Cancer Aries, Scorpio

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