Longevity Through Transit-2

Longevity Through Transit-2  

Views : 6295 | July 2010

It is an accepted fact that there are numerous methods to time an event as well as to decide about the nature and quality of the event. Transit analysis is also one such method. But predictions based on Gochara or transit alone may not yield desirable results. Still there are certain sections of astrologers who solely give predictions on transit alone. Classics have given an array of Dasas through which we are able to narrow down the event to a few months and to fine tune and pin point the happening of an event. We use the additional methods of Annual Charts as well as Transit. By using the three methods we can definitely come to a correct conclusion. In this analysis, as this is a post facto one, that is to say, we are trying to fix the rule for the event that has already happened, we are not going into the details of the Dasa analysis. The discussion will be only to pertaining to the transits. We will be taking up the charts which were given in the first part of the article.

As already mentioned in previous article, one must have the accurate time and place of death before analysing the transits. Many times we get the place of death, but it is next to impossible to get the exact time of death. With this predicament, we are proceeding with the testing of yet another rule. The charts are prepared using Jhora software taking Lahiri (Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa). Rule 2: (Rule 1 is covered in the previous article) There are mainly three principles involved in studying the transit system: 1) First is based on the transit of planets decided upon from the Dasa System. 2) Next is the transit of Karaka – Fixed karaka which in our case would be Saturn. 3) Third factor to be considered is the transit of Sun. Since Sun takes nearly a month to cover a sign its movement will be helpful in fixing the month of happening of the event. 4) Last one is the transit of Moon.

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Fine tuning of date and time of occurrence an event can be done using the transit of Moon. In almost all classics we come across numerous rules for using the transit of planets to determine the timing of event. Some of the rules are so common that almost for all charts the rules are found to be applicable. We shall touch upon one such rule here. This rule is from Phaladeepika Adhyaya XVII Sloka 2. Here is given only the translation of the Sanskrit Verse- Ascertain the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by (a) The Lord of the 8th house (b) Gulika (c) Saturn OR (d) The lord of the 22nd decanate (counted from that of Lagna). When Saturn transits that Rasi or Navamsa or its triangular position, death may happen. Chart 1- Mahatma Gandhi There is different birth time given to this personality. The various times given are 07:11:47, 07:20; 07:45. We are taking the time as 07:11:47 which is as per Astro Data Bank details.

Based on this time the Rasi and Navamsa charts are as below: Gandhi was shot dead on 30-01-1948 at New Delhi and the time as given by Astro Data Bank is 17:41. Saturn on the date of death was transiting Pisces which is a trine to Scorpio, the natal position of Saturn. 22nd Decanate: According to Saravali the 22nd Decanate from the Lagna will indicate the nature of one’s death by the nature of its Lord. Here we will be using the Parasari Drekkana. Lord of 1st Drekkana will be the Rasi Lord for all the Rasis. Lord of 2nd Drekkana will be the Lord of the 5th house from it and the Lord of the 3rd Drekkana will be the Lord of 9th house from it. That is to say that the nature of signs fiery, earthy, airy and watery is all grouped together in this way. The given below chart would facilitate in locating the 22nd Drekkana easily.

How to find the 22nd Drekkana from the table. In the above Chart Lagna is at 5 Li 33. Locate Libra and take the first one as it is in the 0 to 10 degree range. Note the number given to it. It is 19. Add 21 and we get 40. As there are only 36 Drekkanas deduct 36 from 40 and we get 4. Locate number 4 in the chart and we find it as Venus who becomes the 22nd Drekkana Lord. Henceforth, for want of space, we will not be giving the charts. Only the essential details will be given. Since the Longitude of Lagna is given, one can verify the Lord of 22nd Drekkana from the above table. Chart 2: Srinivasa Ramanujam: Date of Birth: 22-12-1887; Time of Birth: 18:20 Longitude/Latitude: 77 E 44/ 11 N 21 Date of Death: 26-04-1920 Lagna: 16 Ge 07; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Venus Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Saturn Cancer Scorpio Gulika Libra Libra Saturn Cancer Scorpio Lord of 22nd Decanate Libra Taurus (from Lagna)-Venus Saturn was transiting Leo at the time of death.

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In this case the rule totally fails as Saturn is not transiting the relevant houses. Chart 3: Dr. B.V.Raman Date of Birth: 08-08-1912; Time of Birth: 19:43 Longitude/Latitude: 77 E 35/ 12 N 59 Date of Death: 20-12-1998, Lagna: 11 Aq 27; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Saturn. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna Mercury Leo Leo Gulika Taurus Leo Saturn Taurus Aries Lord of 22nd Decanate Taurus Aries (from Lagna)-Saturn Saturn was transiting Aries at the time of death. Note the position of Saturn in Aries Navamsa. Also from Leo Aries becomes a trine and hence all the conditions are applicable in this case. Chart 4: Sanjay Gandhi Date of Birth: 14-12-1946; Time of Birth: 09:27 Longitude/Latitude: 72 E 50/ 18 N 58 Date of Death: 23-06-1980 Lagna: 2 Cp 29; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Sun.

Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Sun Scorpio Pisces Gulika Scorpio Pisces Saturn Cancer Scorpio Lord of 22nd Decanate Scorpio Pisces (from Lagna)-Sun Saturn was transiting Leo on the date of death. So in this case the rule fails as Saturn is not transiting the relevant houses or its trines. Chart 5: Rabindranath Tagore Date of Birth: 07-05-1861; Time of Birth: 04:02 Longitude/Latitude: 88 E 22/ 22 N 32 Date of Death: 07-08-1941 Lagna: 29 Pi 10; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Mercury. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Venus Aries Scorpio Gulika Scorpio Scorpio Saturn Leo Cancer Lord of 22nd Decanate Aries Scorpio (from Lagna)-Sun Saturn was transiting Taurus on the day of death. So in this case the rule fails as Saturn was not transiting the houses listed above or its trines. Chart 6: Rudyard Kipling Date of Birth: 30-12-1865; Time of Birth: 16:53 Longitude/Latitude: 72 E 50/ 18 N 58 Date of Death: 18-01-1936 Lagna: 09 Ge 40; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Saturn.

Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Saturn Libra Pisces Gulika Sagitt. Leo Saturn Libra Pisces Lord of 22nd Decanate Libra Pisces (from Lagna)-Saturn Saturn was transiting Aquarius at the time of death. Aquarius is in trine to Libra. Chart 7: Swami Vivekananda Date of Birth: 12-01-1863; Time of Birth: 06:33 Longitude/Latitude: 88 E 22/ 22 N 32 Date of Death: 04-07-1902 Lagna: 27 Sg 03; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Jupiter. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Moon Virgo Gemini Gulika Leo Leo Saturn Virgo Taurus Lord of 22nd Decanate Libra Scorpio (from Lagna)-Jupiter Saturn was transiting Capricorn which is in trine to Virgo and also Taurus. Chart 8: Chitaranjan Das Date of Birth: 05-01-1870; Time of Birth: 06:48 Longitude/Latitude: 88 E 30/ 22 N 40 Date of Death: 16-06-1925 Lagna: 04 Sc 50; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Mercury. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna–Merc.

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Libra Aquarius Gulika Libra Aries Saturn Sagittarius Taurus Lord of 22nd Decanate Libra Capricorn (from Lagna)-Mercury Saturn was transiting Libra on the day of death. Libra is one of the houses in the above list. Chart 9: Indira Gandhi Date of Birth: 19-11-1917; Time of Birth: 23:03 Longitude/Latitude: 81 E 51/ 25 N 27 Date of Death: 31-10-1984 Lagna: 26 Cn 30; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Venus. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Rahu Sagitt. Cancer as he is stronger than Sat. Gulika Gemini Libra Saturn Cancer Capricorn Lord of 22nd Decanate Sagitt. Libra (from Lagna)-Mercury Saturn was transiting Libra on the day of death. Note the placement of Gulika and Lord of 22nd decanate in Libra in Navamsa natal chart. Also position of Gulika in Gemini in Rasi chart is in trine to transit Saturn. 

Chart 10: Rajiv Gandhi Date of Birth: 20-08-1944; Time of Birth: 08:11 Longitude/Latitude: 72 E 50/ 18 N 58 Date of Death: 21-05-1991 Lagna: 29 Le 39; Lord of 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Mars. Position Rasi Navamsa 8th Lord from Lagna –Jup. Leo Cancer Gulika Sagitt. Leo Saturn Gemini Aquarius Lord of 22nd Decanate Virgo Capricorn (from Lagna)-Mars Saturn was in Capricorn on the date of death which is the Navamsa sign of Lord of 22nd decanate and also in trines to the 22nd Drekkana Lord in Rasi chart. Conclusion: This principle has been tested in as many as 135 charts and the results were positive in 85 charts which comes to nearly 63%. One thing to remember is that this position is applicable only if the natal chart indicates the Maraka period as per the Dasa System.

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