AIFAS - A New Era in Astrology

AIFAS - A New Era in Astrology  

S.R. Swamy
Views : 4777 | January 2004

It is indeed a very joyful event that All India federation of Astrologers Societies is bringing its long awaited Research Journal. It gives me a great pleasure to write the History of AIFAS from its humble start on 9th May 2001 to this date.

All India federation of Astrologers societies started during 2001 where more than 12 Astrologers Societies belonging to different states joined together and formed this All India federation, mainly with the intention to promote this divine science of Astrology in the entire world and to encourage the Astrologers of our Country by rendering necessary assistance needed by them in all respects.

The federation has undertaken a herculean task to build a large and unique force of Astrologers throughout the world by opening different chapters not only in our country but also in other countries to teach astrology scientifically. Our efforts attracted the public in a big way and thousands of students qualified in last two and a half years.

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We are proud to announce that AIFAS has registered 101 chapters as on 31st December 2003, merely two and a half years of its incorporation and has over 5000 students enrolled to study astrology, vastu, palmistry and numerology. The federation also encouraged many deserving astrologers to write required text books in easy languages and published many such books for the benefit of students. Under the promotional activities of Astrology, Federation has conducted numerous conferences through out the country and created public awareness.

AIFAS also enjoyed the proud privilege by organizing two successful conferences out side our country i.e. one at MAURITIUS and the other at NETHERLANDS. Today we are proud to announce that ours is the only Astrological institute affiliated to a full fledged University thereby we can offer University level regular and full time courses as per the norms of the University in the near future. We are solely committed to promote this divine science of Astrology and other similar occult sciences through out the world and create a common platform for the entire community of Astrologers.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

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