Invoke Maa Durga in Navaratri and Get rid of Bad effects of Nine Planets S.R. Swamy Views : 4444 | April 2011 bjhbhkjlkjlkjnnkjbjb Do you like this article? Subscribe Remedies Previousग्रह स्थिति एवं व्यापारNextमिड लाइफ क्राइसिस [+] Read more Do you like this article? Subscribe
Oct 2012Views : 4075Rudraksha Dr. Arun BansalRudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha....more
Jul 2012Views : 5531Magic through MirrorGopal SharmaIn Feng Shui, Mirrors are the cheapest and most useful enhancers you can purchase! Mirrors can be us...more
Apr 2012Views : 5634Yantra a Divine tool to protect from negative forcesS.R. SwamySarva Manokamna Prapti yantra As the name suggests sarva Manokamna prapti yantra in the yantra which...more
Oct 2008Views : 4256YantraS.R. SwamyDifferent authors have given different definitions of the word Yantra. Our objective is not to defi...more
Jan 2008Views : 4035RudrakshaS.R. SwamyRudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha...more
Jul 2007Views : 3940Effects of Colors in AstrologyVinay GargChoice of color of a person reflects the status of his soul, body and mind. Many times we see that ...more
Jan 2006Views : 3979Astrological ProductsFuture PointAkarshan Yantra : Daily worship of this yantra increases magnetism and charm. Akarshan yantra can al...more
Jul 2006Views : 3592The Remedial Worship for Kaalsarpa Yoga at TrayambakeshwaraPurushottam Balasahab LohganvakarWhat is Kaalsarpa Yog? When a number of planets concentrate at one particular position in a horosco...more
Jul 2006Views : 8598Use of GemsB.P.VishwakarmaThere are many theories and rules for wearing of Gems according to Indian astrology but in practice...more
Apr 2004Views : 3694Mysteries of RudrakshaAbha BansalRudraksha has originated from a Sanskrit word. Rudra symbolizes Lord Shiva and Aksha are tear drops ...more
Apr 2004Views : 3231Yantras and Gems are Useful for a Happy LifeJayant PandeyThe yantras and gems duly worshipped in auspicious muhurtas are very lucky. However which yantra or...more
Apr 2005Views : 3446Healing Powers of Gems and ColoursSevaram JaipuriaIn ancient times in Egypt and Greece, colour temples were built into seven different compartments, e...more
Apr 2005Views : 3601Miraculous Rudraksh KavachasRamesh ShastriRudraksh Kavach for Growth of Trade This Rudraksh Kavach is ideal for rapid growth and advancement ...more
Oct 2005Views : 4628Powerful YantrasFuture PointYantra is a Sanskrit word, which means “Kavach”, or talisman. They are engraved and designed in ge...more
Oct 2004Views : 3576Miscellaneous Astrological ProductsAbha BansalBlack Horse Shoe- For protection from evil spirit. The U-shaped horse shoe should be nailed outsid...more
Oct 2004Views : 3262Application of Gems in Human LifeHemant Raaj KaithEveryone may be aware that every tangible thing is made up of rays and radiation, created by rays, m...more
Apr 2013Views : 5125RudrakshaS.R. Swamy9 Mukhi Rudraksha : This Rudraksha is endowed with navshakti and its deity is Goddess Bhagwati Durga...more
Jan 2013Views : 5100RudrakshaS.R. SwamyRudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha....more
Apr 2011Views : 219134Nadi Dosha and Married LifeS.P. GaurFor perfect match making, Nadi Dosha should be taken care of in its right perspective. What is the w...more
Apr 2011Views : 8075Nadi Dosha and Married LifeAbha BansalFor perfect match making, Nadi Dosha should be taken care of in its right perspective. What is the w...more
Apr 2011Views : 7732Jagat and Ardra Entry KundaliVinay GargWhile every year, Jagat Kundli decides the specific course of events of varied shades in different c...more
Apr 2011Views : 5958Jagat and Ardra Entry KundaliO.D. MandeWhile every year, Jagat Kundli decides the specific course of events of varied shades in different c...more
Apr 2011Views : 5037Supermoon & Tsunami in Japan Dr. Arun BansalJapan was struck by the greatest earthquake off its North coast on 11 March 2011, which was devastat...more
Apr 2011Views : 5080Supermoon & Tsunami in JapanAnita SharmaJapan was struck by the greatest earthquake off its North coast on 11 March 2011, which was devastat...more
Jan 2009Views : 3422Mahalaxmi, Kamala, Kanakdhara, and Kuber YantraS.R. SwamyThis article Lists different Yantras, the specific God and the specific purpose they are worshipped ...more
Apr 2009Views : 17556Panchanguli Yantra- Best for astrologers for getting predictive powersS.R. SwamyThis Yantra gives the ability to look into the future of any person. This Yantra makes an astrologer...more
Jul 2009Views : 8659Yantras for Education & IntelligenceS.R. SwamyThis article talks about few auspicious Yantras for awakening intelligence. Saraswati Yantra sharpen...more
Oct 2009Views : 10007Yantras to Get Victory Over EnemiesS.R. SwamyIn our life different situations come when our enemies trouble us or else we get into leal problems....more
Jan 2010Views : 1618Yantras to Get Education and IntelligenceS.R. SwamyHere is given the brief description of those yantras which are considered to be beneficial for sharp...more
Oct 2010Views : 7960What is the Benefits of Rudraksha Kavach?S.R. SwamyRudraksh Kavach also known as Rudraksh pendants, Rudraksh lockets, or Rudraksha bracelets are very p...more
Jan 2011Views : 1919JapayogaS.R. SwamyHere is given the brief description of japayoga in the form of meditation and Mantra and mantra sidd...more
Jan 2012Views : 592Guiding Principles of Healthy ProgenyS.R. SwamyThe Academy of Vedic Astrology, Ahmedabad has organised an International Symposium on Astrological S...more
Oct 2011Views : 3775Yantra a Divine tool to protect from negative forcesS.R. SwamyHindu Astrology is matchless because it contains a vast treatise of remedies for controlling and pro...more
Jan 2013Views : 5100RudrakshaS.R. SwamyRudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha....more
Apr 2013Views : 5125RudrakshaS.R. Swamy9 Mukhi Rudraksha : This Rudraksha is endowed with navshakti and its deity is Goddess Bhagwati Durga...more
Jul 2013Views : 5077Yantras : Emblem of Victory, Success & AchievementS.R. SwamyYantras are considered to be the foremost amongst the three fold of remedies viz. Tantra, Mantra & Y...more
Apr 2012Views : 5634Yantra a Divine tool to protect from negative forcesS.R. SwamySarva Manokamna Prapti yantra As the name suggests sarva Manokamna prapti yantra in the yantra which...more
Jul 2012Views : 16754Worship Parad Shivlinga for all round success and prosperityS.R. SwamyParad has received lot of importance in vedas. Its religious importance is known to everybody. It is...more
Jan 2008Views : 4035RudrakshaS.R. SwamyRudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha...more
Apr 2008Views : 3544Crystal : Useful Remedial MeasureS.R. SwamyThe Crystals protect us from negative vibrations. It is a powerful medium of light and energy, wh...more
Jul 2008Views : 7041ConchS.R. SwamyConch serves its worshipper for rising financially. Lord Krishna reverberated the whole world by ...more
Oct 2008Views : 4256YantraS.R. SwamyDifferent authors have given different definitions of the word Yantra. Our objective is not to defi...more