Divisional Charts Issue

Divisional Charts Issue  April 2008

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In this Divisional Charts Issue of Research Journal of astrology there are various informative and research oriented articles related to prediction technique like - How to Judge the Effects from Divisional Charts, Horoscope- male or Female?, Who will be the American President?, Janam Tithi and Success in Life, Nanshan Rocked, Autism, Relevance of Horoscope Matching, Some Important facts about Universe, Panch Pakshi, Conjunction of Two Planets, Rationale of Rudraksha in Astrotherapy, Badhak Dosha, Cancer, Astrology and timing of death, Sarvasthakvarga:The Basis of Prediction, Nakshatra: The basis of minute predictions, Comfort of House in astrology,
research journal is mainly astrological magazine in which you shall find research oriented articles on astrology.
