Saral Ashtakvarga Siddhanta

Saral Ashtakvarga Siddhanta  

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Our ancient sages (Rishis) have introduced such a fine method in Horashastra that can help us find out the benignity and malignity of planets and their influence on the life of mankind. They produced a system that can be helpful in finding out the lines and points. The system is called Ashtakavakga. By this system it is easy to find the good and evil effects of the deeds of a man. Even a learned and well-educated astrologer cannot attain the desired success without the knowledge of Ashtakavarga. It is not possible to find out the benefic and melefic results caused due to the merits and demirts of the horoscope of a person without the knowledge of Ashtakavarg. The author of this book had started studying the system some twenty years back and came to the conclusion that there is no system better than this that could make an accurate prediction.
