My Studies on Kaulaka (Shastamsa)

My Studies on Kaulaka (Shastamsa)  

G.K. Goyal
Views : 6052 | July 2012

Kaluka is the sixth part of a sign which is a unique contribution of Maharishi Jaimini in chapter III quarter-III of his great work "updasa sutra". It is very useful while predicting giving of evils, miseries, discases etc, collectively on physical and metaphysical level within the close family members. Introduction : Kaulaka is to predict group of evils, miseries, diseases etc., collectively, on physical and metaphysical level, within the close family members, such evils arise on account of the inherent nature of the native and are thus hereditary in origin. 

In fact, Kaulaka indicates the suffering of Jeeva-Soul and Mind. (On the other hand, Trisamsa predicts sorrows, on accounts of misfortunes and calamities in the life of native arising out of material desires, wants and hankering.) Kaulaka is the sixth part of the sign (Rasi). Each Kaulaka is of 5° arc. The first Kaulaka, in odd signs starts from sign Aries and in even signs from sign Libra and then it follows regular Zodiacal order. Kaulaka is Shastamsa. Maharishi Jaimini has assigned very specific use to Kaulaka (Shastamsa) for predicting evils, diseases and even death during the lifetime of the native and his close relatives. The Ayur Paryaya Dasa and Vimshottari Dasa, when applied to Shastamsa Chart, can time the events precisely. In this article, three examples are given in the end, with a view to explain various principles, which are expounded in this article. Brief HiStory Maharishi Parasara, the father of Vedic Astrology, teaches 16 (Shodhas) Vargas in his famous treatise ‘Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra’.

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 The Vargas (Divisional) charts are one of the most unique contributions by Vedic Rishi(s) of Yore to the science of Astrology. Maharishi Jaimini (among the foremost critic-Mimansaka of Vedic philosophy and famous disciple of Parasara) introduces two more Vargas namely Kaulaka (Shastamsa) and Rudramsa (Ekadasamsa) in Chapter III Quarter III of his great work “Updesa Sutras”. Kaulaka (Shastamsa) Kaulaka (Shastamsa) is one of the Varga (Division) of a sign out of 20 Vargas. 16 (Shodhas) Vargas taught by Parasara and 4 additional Vargas introduced by Jaimini. Hora-Shastra indicates Potential, Promise and Materialisation of events with the help of these Vargas. Vyankatesh Sharma in ‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ has put utmost importance on Shadvargas and Shashtyamsa Varga to judge the Potential of the nativity. 

 Each of the 20 Vargas indicates the Promise in some specific areas of life specifically assigned to respective Vargas. Kaulaka deals with evils, which basically affects life force (Jeeva). This Varga indicates calumniation of evils, which become instrumental to generate negative traits in the life of native and close relatives. Out of the 6 (six) Shadvargas, Hora chart, basically, indicates wealth or Life and health. There is no escape from the fact that many aspects of life - prosperity or evils, are to be judged from Shadvargas, to begin with. The Lagna (sign chart), Navamsa, Drekkana and Dwadasamsa (Suryamsa) among other things will also indicate the potential and possibilities of evils in the nativity. Trimsamsa confirms the delusion arising out of evils and Kaulaka is precise in timing of their occurrence. Maharishi Jaimini comprehends this principle in following Sutra in beautiful manner: Sutra 3.3.59 स्व त्रिंषांषे कौलकानां पफलानि रोगादयः।। ‘Disease and other evils are seen from Lagna (Lo), Trisamsa and Kaulaka.” 

 The word Sva (Sva-4) indicates four Vargas (divisions) namely Natal, Drekkana, Navamsa and Dwadasamsa charts. The inter-relationship of Kaulaka with these four divisions provides the basic clue to diagnose evils and disease. This is explained below in brief: Natal Chart: Kaulaka is one-sixth division of the sign. Each sign represents a body part. In the first scheme 12 signs (houses), commencing from sign Aries (Ascendant) represent the head, face, breast, heart, belly, navel, abdomen, genital organs, two thighs, two bones, two ankles and two feet of ‘KALAPURUSHA’. In this scheme, the allocation is based on Zodiac Signs and Houses. In the second scheme, Maharishi Jaimini assigned body parts for twelve houses (commencing either from Ascendant or Moon whichever is stronger) in different manner than given in standard texts. In this scheme, 12 houses represent head, face, throat, arms, stomach, loins, back, groins, feet, eyes, ears and nose in regular Zodiacal order (Jaimini Sutra 4.1.1 to 4.1.15).

 In this scheme, the importance is given to houses and Moon. This is very significant suggestion from Maharishi Jaimini and needs considerable care and research in application. Sun always gives the vitality to material existence whereas Moon triggers the feeling and desire to accrue benefit from them. This represents the Basic difference in the above two schemes. Both the above schemes do not contradict but are complementary in nature. First scheme indicates the physical location of body parts (finer identification of body parts is obtained with the help of Drekkana). The second scheme indicates the influence of body parts on houses, through which they operate. For example, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses respectively in the second scheme represent heart, eyes, ears and nose.

 The native’s faculty of emotions, visualising, perceiving and inferring depends on these houses from where the respective organs manifest their influence. 5th house represents intellect and power of discrimination, is opposite to 10th, 11th and 12th houses. Thus, two hands operate through fourth house to achieve the goal that is opposite to the 10th house of visualisation. Each sign contains six Kaulaka of 5° and two Hora(s) of each sign, represented by Sun and Moon, contain three Kaulakas. Sun and Moon are soul and mind of the Kalapurusha. Hora, therefore, sustains Jeeva-’Life Principle’ and maintains the cycle of birth and rebirth on the mother earth. Kaulaka, being one-third part of the Hora, indicates malady of the life, based on the principle of Trinity namely (1) Self, (2) Parents, co-borns and other relations and (3) Opposing forces like enemies etc. Maharishi Jaimini may have called one-sixth division of sign as Kaulaka, on account of such considerations. The affliction of a Kaulaka by a malefic(s) placed in a sign generate evils and disease on physical and meta-physical level. 

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 Affliction to a Kaulaka will create a specific type of evil. The methodology of assessment will be discussed in this article in detail. Drekkana Each Drekkana contains two Kaulaka of 5° each. These two Kaulaka are called 1st and 2nd Kaulaka in each Drekkana. The 12 signs (houses) indicate 12 body parts in a broader basis. Drekkana makes the finer division and divides the Bhachakara in 36 body parts. With the help of 1st and 2nd Kaulaka of a Drekkana, the seat of disease i.e. external or internal ,is identified. Dwadasamsa A Drekkana contains a group of four Dwadasamsa of 2°30' each. Each Kaulaka contains two Dwadasamsa. Drekkana represents the ‘Swaroop’ (or personification of the inner nature) of the native in which hereditary indications had a major role to play. Dwadasamsa indicates the cause of evils and also their cure. This helps the astrologer to advise the native as how to ward-off the evils

 Dwadasamsa, therefore, plays key role in predictive astrology. Trimsamsa This Varga confirms occurrence of evils that will manifest in the life of native on account of material existence. (Kaulaka, on the other hand, directly affects the life forces, which sustain the native.) Kaulaka (Shastamsa) chart should not be considered in isolation. The evils are ascertained from sign (Lagna), Drekkana, Navamsa and Dwadasamsa, the confirmation is obtained from Trimsamsa, Kaulaka gives precise reason and timing of their occurrence. The method of asserting the evils with the help of Kaulaka will now be discussed, in the above background, based on Jaimini Sutras. Assessment of Evils Assessment of evils, disease and death with the help of kaulaka and shastamsa chart is done in three stages A.

 First Stage A careful examination of Shadvarga charts is necessary to access the possibilities and indications of evils in the life of the native. This is not the topic of discussions of this article. B. Second Stage (1) Assessment of Kaulaka as part of the sign. (2) Assessment of Kaulaka as part of Drekkana. (3) Effects of Dwadasamsa as a part of Kaulaka. C. Third Stage: Kaulaka (Shastamsa) chart (1) Assessment of Kaulaka (Shastamsa) chart independently. (2) Predictions of events with the help of Ayur Paryaya Dasa (Vimshottari Dasa is also applicable on Shastamsa chart). Kaulaka as part of sign and Drekkana. Jaimini has indicated in seven Sutras from 3.3.60 to 3.3.66 on the nature of six Kaulaka(s) of each sign. The counting of Kaulaka is to be done in each sign as: 1st Kaulaka (0-5°), 2nd Kaulaka (5-10°), 3rd Kaulaka (10-15°), 4th Kaulaka (15-20°), 5th Kaulaka (20-25°) and 6th Kaulaka (25-30°).

 These Sutras are reproduced for ready reference: Sutra 3.3.60 ललाटे प्रथमम्।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in the first Kaulaka disease/injury will be in the forehead.” Sutra 3.3.61 केषे द्वितीयम्।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in the second Kaulaka there will be disease in the hair.” Sutra 3.3.62 रुधिरं तृतीये।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in the third Kaulaka, the blood disease/disorder may result.” Sutra 3.3.63 चतुर्थे नेत्रो।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in the fourth Kaulaka, eye disease results (eyes are indicative of vision which gives foresight to act).” (A reference may be made to Jaimini Sutra, 4.1.6 and 4.1.12.) Sutra 3.3.64 सिंहादिभिः पंचमे।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in fifth Kaulaka danger from wild cats & lions exists (wild cats & lion etc. represent sign Leo). This gives two indications — (1) Fifth Kaulaka of sign belongs to sign Leo, (2) The signification of Sign of the Kaulaka has a major say in prediction. Signs indicate problems in a particular direction or area . (Sutra 1.2.2 to 1.2.13 may be referred for specific information.) Sutra 3.3.65 षष्टे जिह्रवाग्रे।। “If (the afflicting planet is) in the sixth Kaulaka diseases of the tongue (mouth/throat) could result.” (When Sutra 3.3.60 is read with Sutra 3.3.65, it gives hint about the use of Drekkana.) Sutra 3.3.66 पूर्व षट्के राहू केतुभ्यां स्वे जिह्नादिभिः।। “The results of the previous six stanzas should be applied for Rahu and Ketu from the tongue onwards (in the reverse order given from sutras 3.3.60 to 3.3.66). The order will be reversed for Rahu/Ketu only and not for other planets.

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 The different rules have not been formulated for Rahu and Ketu separately as they will fall in same Kaulaka in Shastamsa chart. It appears that Jaimini has compressed many principles and suggestions in these seven Sutras. I shall try to explore them, one by one, up to the extent of my reach and understanding: First Principle Sutra 60 indicates forehead and Sutra 61 indicates hair (this pair of Kaulaka is part of first Drekkana of sign). Similarly, Sutra 62 indicates blood disorder and Sutra 63 indicates eyes (this pair of Kaulaka is part of second Drekkana of the sign). Sutra 60 and 62 indicate the diseases of internal nature, whereas Sutra 61 and 63 indicate the diseases of external nature. This indicates the principle that 1st Kaulaka of each Drekkana, when afflicted, will give the diseases of internal nature, and 2nd Kaulaka will indicate disease of external nature. 

 This principle would apply to the pair of Kaulaka of each Drekkana. According to Sutra 66, the order of counting is reversed, in case Rahu/Ketu are placed in any Kaulaka. This Sutra gives following principles: (a) In odd signs Kaulaka will be counted as 1st Kaulaka (0-5°), 2nd Kaulaka (5-10°), 3rd Kaulaka (10-15°), 4th Kaulaka (15-20°), 5th Kaulaka (20-25°) and 6th Kaulaka (25-30°). (b) In even signs this order of counting will be reversed. ( this change in order will not affect Table No.1 — Reckoner of Shastamsa). (c) Whenever, Rahu/Ketu are placed in any Kaulaka, the assigned order for counting for Rahu/Ketu only will be reversed, e.g. Rahu is placed in 9° of Aries, it would be considered as if Rahu is placed in 5th Kaulaka. 

 If Rahu is placed in 9° of Taurus, it will be assumed that Rahu is placed in 2nd Kaulaka. Second Principle Natural Karakas (significations) of forehead is Sun/Moon (Jaimini Sutra 4.1.1), Hair - Saturn, Blood disorders - Mars, Eyes - Venus, Tongue (Voice) - Mercury. This is the order represented by First, second, third, fourth and sixth Kaulakas referred to in Sutras 60, 61, 62, 63 and 65. The natural inference will be that each Kaulaka of a sign is represented by a Karka (natural significator) as under: Table: Karakas Karka for Karka for odd sign even signs:

 1. Kaulaka (0-5°) Sun Mercury
 2. Kaulaka (5-10°) Saturn Jupiter 
 3. Kaulaka (10-15°) Mars Venus 
 4. Kaulaka (15-20°) Venus Mars 
 5. Kaulaka (20-25°) Jupiter Saturn 
 6. Kaulaka (25-30°) Mercury Moon These Karakas of each Kaulaka in every sign (depending upon even or odd) will remain same. The lord of each Kaulaka will be as per Table 1 given above. Third Principle Method of reckoning of Shastamsa chart: 

 Sutra 3.3.60 when read with Sutra 3.3.64 gives following indications: (1) First Kaulaka of Aries will be of sign Aries as this Kaulaka represents forehead. (2) Fifth Kaulaka represents danger from wild cats and Lions. This clearly indicates that the 5th Kaulaka of sign Aries will be of sign Leo. These observations confirm the method of reckoning for Kaulaka (Shastamsa) chart as per Table I given above. Fourth Principle In Shastamsa chart, each Kaulaka is represented by a sign (see Table 1 above). Sutra3.3.64 says that any affliction in the fifth Kaulaka indicates danger from wild cats and lion etc. These indications are for sign Leo. Maharishi is giving the idea that Kaulaka will indicate the results and signification of its sign. 

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

 The similar indications are given in Sutra 3.3.84 - “If the planet is placed in a sign other than its own, the results of the sign shall predominate.” Fifth Principle Indications of body parts as per rising Drekkana: The signs and houses indicate specific body parts in natal cart. The Drekkana makes the division even finer. The 12 signs indicate 12 body parts in human body on a broader basis. 36 Drekkana of Kalapurushas represent 36 body parts. (1) If first Drekkana is rising in the Ascendant, the twelve signs counted from the Ascendant serially signify the twelve parts of the upper portion of the body in natal chart. Similarly if second or third Drekkana is rising, twelve part of the middle or lower body will be represented in the Rasi chart commencing from Ascendant in serial order.

 Table No. 2 shows the distribution of the body parts assigned on account of rising Drekkana. (J.P., Ch. 3, Sl. 77) (2) Planets placed in the same Drekkana (movable/fixed/common) as rising Drekkana shall afflict the portion above neck. Planets falling in the second type of Drekkana from rising Drekkana afflict the trunk (middle portion of the body), and in third type, they afflict lower portion of the body. (3) The body parts, which will be found, afflicted after applying both the above rules (1) and (2) will have severe affliction compared to body parts represented by other houses. 2nd house to 6th represents the right side of body parts, whereas 12th house to 8th house represent the left side of the body parts. (4) The above table is a good indicator to find the relative health or weakness (disease) in the various organs of the body. The above scheme of reckoning of body parts is approved by Maharishi Jaimini.

 1st Kaulaka represents head and last Kaulaka represents front portion of the tongue (mouth). In case, 1st Drekkana is rising in the ascendant, 1st house will represent head and seventh house mouth as shown in Table 2 above. This is also confirmed because Jaimini has indicated body parts in upper portion of the body like forehead, eyes, tongue etc. in first seven Sutras on Kaulaka. 17.4.7 Kaulaka as part of Drekkana (i) Each Drekkana contains two Kaulaka of 5° each. They are termed 1st and 2nd Kaulaka. (ii) First (1st) Kaulaka of each Drekkana represents evils and diseases of internal origin. (iii) Second (2nd) Kaulaka of each Drekkana represents evils and diseases of external origin. (iv) Order of counting will be as under: (a) For odd sings the order is zodiacal. (b) For even sign the order is reversed. (c) If Rahu/Ketu is placed in any Kaulaka, the assigned order will be reversed.

 This will mean that: (c.1) For odd signs if Rahu/Ketu are placed in any Kaulaka, the order will be reversed. (c.2) For even signs, if Rahu/Ketu are placed in any Kaulaka, the order of counting will remain zodiacal. (v) The diseases etc. of internal origin (linked with 1st Kaulaka): The evils and diseases of internal origin, when a planet is placed in 1st Kaulaka, may point out to the possibilities like: (a) The disease is in an internal organ(s). (b) The causes of evils and diseases are not foreseen or known. This includes causes of such nature that originate on account of association of Eighth or Badhak houses. (c) The problems are of hereditary in nature. (vi) The diseases of external origin (linked with 2nd Kaulaka) The evils and diseases of external origin, when a planet is placed in 2nd Kaulaka, may point out to the possibilities like: (a) The problems arise on account of wrong food habits, social and moral conduct and negligent behaviour. (b) By known causes, and enemies. (c) Problems arising out due to accidents, non-payment of loans, wrong medication and treatment etc. (vii) Each Kaulaka of a Drekkana helps to arrive at precise causes, of course, not independently, but with the help of other divisional charts.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

 This will be illustrated with the help of Example horoscope I, given in the end of this paper: Moon (15°46') : It is placed in 2nd Kaulaka of Drekkana in even sign. And will give the results of 1st Kaulaka. — indicate disease on account of internal origin. Mars (12°5') : It is placed in 1st Kaulaka of its Drekkana in even sign. Mars will give the results of 2nd Kaulaka — Diseases of external origin. Rahu/Ketu (22°46'): Rahu is in 1st Kaulaka of even sign will give the result of 1st Kaulaka. Saturn (6°50') : It is in 2nd Kaulaka of even sign and will give the results of 1st Kaulaka. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Moon will give the results of 1st Kaulaka. The native’s Eosinophils count increased excessively in Rahu/Rahu Dasa. This affects the lungs, which is an internal part of the body. In the Dasa of Saturn/Moon, the open-heart surgery was performed on the native. Both planets are giving the results of 1st Kaulaka i.e.

 Afflicting the internal parts. In Saturn/Mars Dasa, the native was operated for prostate gland successfully. However, during convalescence he suffered severe hemorrhage on account of over exertion (Mars is conjunct with Rahu) and saved with great difficulty (Mars is in benefic aspect with Jupiter, Mercury and Venus). Both 1st and 2nd Kaulaka played their appropriate role in full. Malefic Planets in a Kaulaka The above effects are mainly on account of affliction of a Kaulaka (1st or 2nd) of a Drekkana. The malefic planet, which afflicts a Kaulaka, will produce following effects: Saturn, Gulika (Rahu) (Sutra 3.3.67) If these planets are causing affliction, the main reason of the problem is due to infection of food, like excessive and wrong eating habits, consumption of poisons (medicines on regular basis), alcohol, tobacco and other such vices. Mars (or Ketu) (Sutra 3.3.68) If these planets are causing affliction, the disease on account of consumption/dryness may occur. 

 These planets indicate excessive fire and energy and weaken the body part on account of which they are not able to meet the body requirements. Sun (Sutra 3.3.69) The Sun is the vital force, which makes the body to function. It creates blockage so that free flow of vital fluids is hindered and also accumulated poison is not properly expelled from excretory and other systems. If Sun is an afflicting planet, it blocks free flow of fluids within the body, which results accumulation of poisonous elements. Excretory system is also unable to clear such accumulation and their functions slow down. From the above discussions, it is clear that Drekkana and Kaulaka play vital role in identifying the causes of the disease in body parts. Kaulaka and Dwadasamsa There is a close link in Drekkana, Kaulaka and Dwadasamsa. Drekkana: This represents Swaroop of the native. Such qualities like velour, drive, nature and inclinations are ascertained from this Varga (division). (Drekkana represents co-born also). 

 Kaulaka: This divides each Drekkana in two parts, Kaulaka shows evils, diseases, even death which occurs due to wrong path adopted by the native. Kaulaka brings out the negative side of the native out of the total inner personality represented by Drekkana. These negative traits are mainly the outcome of the wrong practices prevalent, one or another form, in the family; thus, are of hereditary in nature. (Shastamsa Varga indicates all close relatives). Dwadasamsa, basically, indicates parents and hereditary practices prevalent in the family. Each Drekkana of 10° contains a group of four Dwadasamsas of 2°30' each, and each Kaulaka contains two Dwadasamsa. This can be better understood from the following Table . This could be ascertained by knowing the Swaroop of Devtas (or driving forces) behind each Dwadasamsa namely Ganesh, Aswani Kumar, Yama and Sarpa. Ganesh: Ganesh basically represents and controls the intellect. It can best be worshipped by inculcating self-restrain, self-confidence & faith in the native. When a malefic planet afflicts 1st Dwadamsa of 1st Kaulaka of a Drekkana, the native will lack self restrain, control over his sense organs. The native should be advised to cultivate discipline in life and develop faith in god by worship of appropriate deity. Aswani Kumar: They are cosmic healers. 

 Whatever, grown on mother earth, can be termed as herbs or medicine. When Dwadasamsa represented by Aswani Kumar is afflicted, the native shows lack of discipline in food habits. He or she does not follow the advice of his doctor and lax in his treatment. Such natives should adopt strict discipline in their food habits. In case of any diseases or evils are coming upon them they should follow the advice of the doctor and their preceptor. Yama : He is the God of death. Yama also means two pairs of opposites. If Dwadasamsa represented by Yama is afflicted, the person suffers with extreme likes and dislikes. The native should adopt positive attitude. The worship of appropriate deity will help him to come out of conflicting situation. Ahi (Snake): Lord Krishna, in Bhagwat Gita, says: ^likZ.kkefLe oklqfd%* 10/28 Vasuki is the king of Sarpa (snakes) and lives in great splendor and luxuries.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

 When Dwadasamsa represented by Sarpa (snake) is afflicted, the native develops excessive Bhog-Vriti and becomes slave of his sense organs. This brings all type of troubles and miseries upon him. The astrologer can give proper guidance to native to get rid of vices by worshipping and propitiating the planets. In nutshell: The area of problems could be ascertained with help of Birth chart and Drekkana. Kaulaka and Dwadasamsa can help to locate the nature of problem and its effective remedy. Assessment of Kaulaka (Shastamsa) chart) In assessment of the role of Kaulaka, as a part of the sign, the counting is made from the initial point of the sign or Drekkana. In case of assessment of Shastamsa chart, the rising Kaulaka in ascendant becomes the reference point and all counting is done from Ascending Kaulaka. The following rules are applicable to Shastamsa chart. 

 These rules are specific to this chart only: 1. Each house of Shastamsa chart is called Kaulaka. 2. The Shastamsa ascendant represents the native with all the problems and evils, which he carries 3. Sixth and eleventh houses should be examined specifically, for adversity and ill health (Sutra 3.3.88). Sixth house represents punishment that one gets either in the hands of enemies or such persons. 11th house refers to emancipation of the soul or the death on account of evils, diseases or enemies (Sutra 3.3.87). 4. Fourth house has important significance in Shastamsa chart. Fourth house from ascendant represents Jeeva (Soul) of the native (First house represents the gross body). 

 Similarly, the fourth houses from the 6th and the 11th houses are very significant. The ninth house (i.e. 4th from the 6th house) represents the growth of evils and enemies. The fourth house from 11th house i.e. 2nd house from ascendant (or from the significator house) represents death (Sutra 3.3.89). 5. The native, his relatives and enemies are represented from 1st to sixth house and their death from 2nd house from respective significator houses (Sutras 3.3.89 to 3.3.94): Table:Relatives & Significators Relatives Significator Death afflicting house house Native (self) 1st 2nd Both parents 2nd 3rd Co-borns and 3rd 4th cousins Spouse 4th 5th Children 5th 6th Enemy 6th 7th Important notes: (i) Counting of evil house will be made from significator houses of respective relatives, e.g. Spouse are represented from fourth house, his death from 5th, the sources of problem from 9th house (6th from 4th), growth of problems from12th house (9th from 4th), restrictions, bondage, or disabilities from 2nd house (11th from 4th).

Likewise various houses indicate problems for other relatives. (ii) Both parents are represented by 2nd house (unlike in Birth chart, 4th house is for mother and 9th house for father). The evils are also seen with reference to Charkarka along with significator house. If significator house along with Matru -Karka is afflicted, the evil may point out towards mother. Similarly, co-borns and cousins are represented from third house. Bhartra-Karka and Gyati -Karka will resolve the issues. The above significations are basic and specific to Shastamsa chart. Jaimini Sutras do not give any further reference beyond the signification of first six houses. This again confirms the belief that Kaulaka is the technical name of Shastamsa. In nutshell, the following houses have special importance in Shastamsa chart. 

These houses are to be counted from significator house of the concern relative: (i) The significator house will be termed as 1st house. (ii) 2nd house, therefrom, becomes death inflictor. (iii) 6th house, therefrom, becomes the house of enemy and punishment in the hand of such persons. (iv) 9th house, therefrom, indicates growth of evils, enemy and diseases. (v) 11th house, therefrom, is the house of “Hara” – emancipation — restrictions, bondage or disabilities. A brief scanning of the natal chart is necessary before examination of Kaulaka and Shastamsa chart. (a) Strength of the chart: Moon is strongly placed in Natal chart aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter and Saturn are in exchange of signs and placed in 5th and 7th houses. This exchange is very vital and gives lots of strength to nativity. Placement of Mars and Rahu in third house, particularly aspected by all three benefic — Jupiter, Mercury and Venus by sign aspect, adds the strength of the nativity. (b) Disease making combinations (Natal chart): Mars and Rahu in third house afflict the lungs. Odd-footed Scorpio sign is aspected by even-footed Cancer and Capricorn signs indicate watery, stomach and heart diseases. Sixth lord Saturn placed in seventh house indicate Urinary problems. 

करियर से जुड़ी किसी भी समस्या का ज्योतिषीय उपाय पाएं हमारे करियर एक्सपर्ट ज्योतिषी से।

It is aspected by odd-footed Gemini and Sagittarius signs from 10th and 4th houses also point out to heart diseases, Ketu in 9th house is indicative of problem in thigh and back reason. (c) Drekkana: Second Drekkana of moveable sign is rising. The body parts of the middle position of body, occupied by Fixed signs afflicted by malefic will be more prone to disease. As malefic influence on third house is contained by benefic aspects, left ventricle and auricle of heart is more prone to disease, (Ketu is placed in 9th house in Fixed sign, refer Table No.2). (d) Navamsa chart: Placement of Ketu in Cancer and aspect of Saturn on Sun confirms indication of heart and lung diseases. Placement of Mars in seventh house is indicative of urinary problems. The placement of Jupiter in 11t house in sign Aquarius indicates that though diseases and enemies will try to over-power the native but he will be fully alive to the developing situation. (e) Dwadasamsa chart: 

Placement of Rau in Leo in eighth house, aspect of Saturn on Sun (placed in Cancer) and on Ketu/Jupiter (placed in Aquarius) clearly confirms heart and urinary problems. 2. In the above background, the detailed and step by step assessment of Kaulaka and Shastamsa chart is given below: (a) Moon (Virgo 15°46'): Moon in 3rd Kaulaka of the sign (Karka Mars) indicates Blood disorders. It is in 1st Kaulaka of Drekkana representing internal diseases. It is 2nd Dwadasamsa (Asawni Kumar). In Shastamsa, Moon is in even-footed sign Capricorn aspected by odd-footed signs Taurus and Scorpio occupied by Sun and Saturn. Taurus is indicative of punishment and Scorpio privative-parts and operation with the help of instrument. Sun indicates blockage of the excretory system and Saturn indicates addiction of all kinds (including necessity of drugs continuously). The native was operated for angina pectoris, enlargement of prostate gland. 

The nativee had smallpox in the major period of Moon Dasa. Saturn made him dependent on medicine (drugs). (b) Mars (Scorpio 12°4'): Mars is placed in 4th Kaulaka of sign representing eyes (vision) — Karka is Venus. it is placed in 2nd Kaulaka of Drekkana — indicating external nature of problems and diseases. It is in 3rd Dwadasamsa of Drekkana — represented by ‘Yama’. The native will suffer, if he acts in a hurry and takes decision based on extreme likes and dislikes. Mars is placed in the Ascendant of Shastamsa chart. This placement helps the native to overcome disease. (c) Rahu (Scorpio 22°6'): Rahu is placed in 5th Kaulaka of sign (Karka — Jupiter). It is placed in 1st Kaulaka of Drekkana indicating internal diseases. He suffers from lung infection during the Dasa of Rahu/Ketu. Rahu is placed in 1st Dwadasamsa of Drekkana represented by ‘Ganesha’. The native will benefit by observing self-control, both in internal and out-ward behaviour. He should develop self-confidence by worshiping lord ‘Ganesha’. 

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Rahu is placed in even-footed sign Aquarius, which is aspected by odd-footed sign Aries and Libra occupied by Venus and Jupiter. The affliction of sign Aquarius indicates troubles from diseases (particularly heart disease in this case) and enemies. This is also due to the reason because sign Aquarius is falling in third house of Shastamsa chart (indicates cause of disease). (d) Saturn (Pisces 6°50'): Saturn is placed in 5th Kaulaka of sign, 1st Kaulaka of Drekkana and Yama Dwadasamsa. Karka of this Kaulaka is Jupiter. Saturn is placed in 12th house of Shastamsa chart. This position is inimical to diseases and enemies. In Saturn/Moon Dasa the native was operated for heart surgery and in Saturn/Mars Dasa for prostate gland.

After heart surgery, there was severe hammurage which doctors could control, on account of auspicious influence of Moon in natal chart. However, in the Antardasa of Mars, there was hammurage after few days of recovery from operation, on account of over-exertion. The native’s life was saved on account of benefic influence on Mars in natal chart and placement of Mars and Saturn in Ascendant and 12th house of Shastamsa chart. This placement helps the native to fight evils and diseases. 

Hammurage occurred in Moon Antardasa, because Moon is in 3rd Kaulaka indicating blood disorder and was saved on account of proper medication (being in Aswani Kumar Dwadasamsa). Whereas Mars being in 4th Kaulaka, the hammurage occurred due to his own fault (lack of vision) and was saved on account of benefic influence on Mars. Thus, Kaulaka is able to differentiate the cause precisely. In the above discussions, I have indicated the role of Kaulaka as well as use of Vimshottari Dasa system.

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