How to Read a Dasha

How to Read a Dasha  

T. S. Vasan
Views : 14395 | January 2012


There are very many dashas given by Parashari. Out of them Vimsothri is universally accepted and followed.

In our study of vimshothri dasha classical and research methodolories are followded.

Classical Methodology

Classical Texts followed are: Hora Makaranda, Sarvartha Chintamani, Uttara Kalamrita and Brihat Parashari Hora

Points followed:

      • Dasha Lords should occupy benefic signs such as own, exaltation, friends’ and Moola trikona signs to give good results. Kendra Thrikonas from lagna will also give good results.
      • Navamshas and Drekkanas are very important charts to assess a dasha and its lord.
      • Apart from Uchcha, swa, moolatrikonas upachaya sthanas are also important.
      • Dashas of trikona lords are good and if the bhukti lords are kendra lords those dasha/bhuktis are excellent.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

    • Even though a planet is termed as maaraka, he will do good when a good yoga is formed with that planet.
    • Deena, Bheeta, Kala, Vikala and peedya avasthas are not good.
    • Bala balas of planets will influence the dasha such as paksha bala, sthana bala, Kala bala, Naisargika bala, vakra bala, Yuddha bala.
    • Dashanatha should be arohi to give good results. If he is avarohi, the results will not be good.
    • Karakatwas, adipatyas, and occupation of dasha lord are important in order to interpret a dasha or bhukti.
    • Debilitation, enemy’s house, conjunction with malefics will not give good results.
    • The relationship of dasha and bhukti nathas are important in the light of five-fold relationship.(Adi mitra, /adi shatru, mitra, shatru and neutral)
    • Yogakaraka as dasha lord is good.
    • Rahu/ Ketu may become yogakarakas if they are kendra or trikona lords getting the aspect of trikona or kendra lords respectively.
    • Saturn gives the result like Mars and Mars like Saturn in their respective bhuktis.

Kalapaga dasha

S.No. Dashas Bhodhaka Vedaka Pasaka Karaka
1 Sun Mars Venus Saturn Jupiter
2 Moon Mars Marcury Venus Saturn
3 Mars Moon Marcury Sun Saturn
4 Mercury Jupiter Mars Moon Venus
5 Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Moon
6 Venus Jupiter Saturn Mercury Sun
7 Saturn Moon Mars Venus Jupiter
8 Rahu Moon Mars Venus Jupiter
9 Ketu Moon Marcury Sun Jupiter
      • Sarvaarthachintamani stresses deeptadi avasthas or dasha lords like deeptha, swastha, mudita, shanta, kala, vikala, dukhita,bheeta etc.
      • Planets in Shashtiamsha are to be seen like Kroora, Soumya, Shubha, Shashtiamshas.
      • Amshas like parvatamsha, vaisheshikamsha, are also equally important.
      • Dashas should also be assessed on the basis of sampath tara, vipat tara, Kshema tara, pratyak tara, sadhaka tara, vadha tara , janma taras. And mitra and adhimitra taras.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

    • Fourth dasha of saturn, fifth dasha of mars, sixth dasha of Jupiter, seventh dasha or Rahu will have the propensity of Maaraka qualities.

Maraka dasha

The Sl.No. of Dasha operating in Nativit has to be noted first. This is because in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Dashas generally one cannot expect good nature. So also, if a Dasha happes to be a particular Sl.No in order, our ancient sages have assigned it as a Maraka or death inflicting Dasha. As such the followng are the Maraka Dashas for any Nativity born in a particular group of Birth Stars.

Maraka Dashas Details

For Who Applicable (Natives born in the Stars of)

Saturn Dasha as Fourth dasha


Mars Dasha as a fifth dasha


Jupiter Dasha as Sixth Dasha


Rahu Dasha as Seventh Dasha


    • If Bhukti lord is Bodhaka then good
    • If Bhukti lord is Vedhaka then not good
    • If Bhukti lord is Pasaka then few good things

If Bhukti lord is Karaka then it is the best for profession

In any dasha the bhukti or Sub period of planet designated as Bodhaka will good results, the sub period of Vedhaka planet will change the good results into a very bad one. The sub period of Pasaka planet will odd good results and the sub period of Karaka planet will give special benefits.

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Research Methodology

It is said that the dasha natha’s position is to be taken as lagna and that dasha is interpreted on the basis of his position. While making the lagna the following points have to be noted:

    • Dasha Natha’s degree is taken as Lagna degree for that dasha.
    • The same degree is shifted to all bhavas from 2 to 12 which may be termed as mid points.
    • On either side of each bhava madhyas, 15 degrees are to be taken as beginning and ending of the bhavas thereby a bhava chakra is made.
    • Sensitive elements such as Pushkaramsha, Pushkara Navamsha, Yoga Star, avayoga star, Daghda Rashis are to be taken.
    • Yogas from dashanatha’s lagna should also be taken.
    • Navamsha position for the planets are also to be taken in the interpretation of a dasha.
    • Exaltation, debilitation, combustion, benefic and malefic association and aspects are also taken.
    • Each lord from dashanatha like tenth lord, seventh lord, fifth, fourth and ninth lords are to be seen keeping in view their strength, weaknesses according to shadbala.
    • Shodashavargas are to be checked in addition to rasi position of planets. Specially the lagna of dashanatha in diffeent divisional charts vary when compared to original shodasha varga charts.
    • Transits of respective dasha lords are to be seen. (I) Transit of dashanatha from the original lagna and (II) transit of dasha natha from dasha lagna.
    • A separate computation of ashtakavarga be made on the basis of the lagna of dasha lagna.
    • Yogakaraka of the main chart and yogakaraka of dasha chart should be seen to know how they support the dashanatha.
    • Bhuktinathas position in degrees and all the houses are judged by shifting the degrees of the bhuktinatha.

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  • The rule of negative lords in negative signs are to be seen for the good.
  • Dashanatha’s or bhuktinatha’s position in Navamsha, especially in Bhagyamsha, Labhamsha,Vittamsha and Putramsha will give good results.
  • The characteristics of dasha natha from the original lagna to the dasha lagna will not diminish. It should always be taken along with the dashanathas
  • Like this we have to interpret a dasha (vimshothari) applying both classical and research methodologies
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