Health and Disease : An Astrological Analysis

Health and Disease : An Astrological Analysis  

Sitaram singh
Views : 27069 | October 2013

'Health is wealth' highlights the importance of health. A healthy person only can work hard, achieve success, earn well and live happily. On the contrary, a wealthy but sick person cannot enjoy good food and other luxuries available to him, his wealth decreases and he remains unhappy. The Vedic science of astrology, through analysis of one's horoscope, correctly foretells about the nature and timing of disease which enables him to take timely preventive measures and remain happy.

The 12 houses of the horoscope starting anti-clockwise from Lagna, in brief, relate to : 1st -self/body, 2nd-Wealth, 3rd-Enterprise/siblings, 4th-Home/comforts, 5th - Progeny, 6th - Disease/injury, 7th- Spouse, 8th - Longevity/death, 9th - Luck, 10th - Profession/status, 11th - Gains, and 12th - Loss.

Every individual experience good or bad results in life through his body represented by Lagna. Strong Lagna and Lagna lord indicates good health and general well being.According to Sarvartha Chintamani (Ch. 2, Sl. 70) :

लग्नेशे बलसंयुक्ते केन्द्रकोणगते शुभे।
पापग्रहैरसंदृष्टे देह सौख्यं वहेद् बुधः।।

meaning, "when the Lagna lord is strong, posited in Kendra or Trikona house, and is not under malefic aspect, then good bodily health should be predicted."

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

By virtue of their adverse karkatwa (signification) the 6th, 8th and 12th house are called dushtasthana (evil houses). The remaining are considered good houses. Among the evil houses, the 8th house is regarded the most evil. Lagna lord, the Sun and the Moon are exempted from the blemish of 8th lordship.

Then the lord of any house is located in an evil house, or an evil house lord occupies any good house, then that house matters suffer. However, when an evil house lord is posited in any of the evil house, it produces good result by virtue of Vipareet Rajyoga. Its affl iction augments good result. An individual's state of health and likely disease is analysed on the basis of following factors:

1. Lagna and Lagna lord,

2. Planets in 6th house,

3. 6th lord and planets associated with it,

4. The planets in 8th and 12th house,

5. Transit of Mars, Saturn and Rahu through 6th, 8th and 12th house and also vis-a-vis the concerned house.

The body organs indicated by different houses from head to toe are as follow:

House, rashi body organs

1 Aries Head, brain and forehead
2 Taurus Face, right eye, mouth, teeth, threat and neck
3 Gemini Right ear, collar bone, shoulders, right hand, respiratory system and skin
4 Cancer Lungs, chest, heart and breast
5 Leo Heart, upper stomach, back and spine
6 Virgo Intestines, navel, gall bladder and upper back
7 Libra Below navel area, pancreas, kidney, urinary and internal generative organs
8 Scorpio External generative organs, testicales and rectum
9 Sagittarius Buttocks and thighs
10 Capricorn Knees and joints
11 Aquarius Left ear, left hand, shin and calf portion of legs
12 Pisces Left eye, heels and soles

Whichever house and its lord are strong and conjoined with, or aspected by, benefic planets that body organ is strong and free from disease. Opposite situation causes weakness of concerned organ and makes it disease prone.

The disease signification of different planets is as under :

1. Sun - Vitality, digestion, bile disturbance, high fever, head, brain, back and head diseases.

2. Moon - Cold, cough, chest, digestion, blood, mind and sleep related diseases.

3. Mars - Stomach ache, fever, blood and muscle diseases, injuries from fi re/arms and boils.

4. Mercury - Mental and nervous weakness, speech defect, allergy, nose, throat infection and skin diseases.

5. Jupiter - Liver, pancreas, fat, vertigo, breathing and cough problem.

6. Venus - Eyes, pancreas, kidney, urinary and generative organ diseases.

7. Saturn- Depression, digestion, constipation, leg ailments, chronic diseases like rheumatism and paralysis and injury from stone/tree.

8. Rahu - Mental confusion, poison, snake-bite, heart palpitation, leprosy and diffi culty in diagnosis of disease.

9. Ketu - Fear, phobias, boils, injury, physical and mental agony.

Among the planets Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are regarded the main disease producing planets. Mars and Saturn are karaka (signification) for 6th house and Saturn for 8th house. The diseases caused by Mars and Ketu are sudden, painful and of short duration, while those caused by Saturn and Rahu develop slowly and pose difficulty in diagnosis.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Timing of disease

The planets posited in 6th, 8th and 12th house, and those associated with these house lords, give disease according to their affliction and signification during their Dasha-Bhukti-Antara period. When a malefic planet in transit approaches a disease producing planet, it triggers the disease. There is much suffering during its transit within 5° either way. When the distance crosses over 12° the ailment subsides and gets cured. Saturn and Rahu transit gives suffering for long period due to their slow motion.

Lagna, the Sun and the Moon

Strong Lagna, Lagna lord, the Sun and the Moon give sound health and occasional minor ailments. When the Sun and Lagna lord are posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house or conjoined with or aspected by their lords, the person frequently suffers from fever and stomach ailments. If Lagna lord and Rashi (Moon sign) lord are associated with 6th, 8th or 12th house or their lords the person has weak body and is susceptible to disease. When the Moon is weak and receives evil aspect, the individual frequently suffers from cold, cough and chest complaint. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon in Kendra or their exchange of signs, adversely affects individual's health. Evil effect on the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon decreases disease resistance power of the body. The Lagna in Papkartari Yoga formed by Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu spoils health and eyesight.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

6th, 8th and 12th house

When there are malefic planets in 6th house or 6th lord conjoined with malefics occupies Lagna or 8th house, the native frequently suffers from disease, injury and wound. The location of 6th house karaka planets (Mars and Saturn) in Lagna, or in 6th house from Moon also indicates injury/ wound to the native.

The 6th or 8th house lord with Mars in 5th house cause stomach ailment. If 6th lord with malefic planet is posited in 7th or 8th house, it causes boil in rectum or piles.

Mars and Ketu in 6th or 8th house cause injury or operation in lower abdomen or rectum.

When planets in 6th house and 6th lord are aspected by Saturn or Rahu, the individual remains perennially ill.

Mars and Saturn in 6th house give related ailments. Mars causes stomach ache, injury, muscle and blood diseases, while Saturn causes problem in legs, rheumatism and lameness. Saturn is called Mandah (lame). Its location in 6th house causes problem in legs. As karak of 6th house, Saturn's aspect on the 8th and 12th house gives problem in legs.

Rahu or Ketu in 6th house causes diseases of teeth, lips and intestines.

Lagna lord and 8th lord located in 6th house causes diseases of the navel area.

Longevity and death is assessed from 8th house. Benefics in 8th house are good for longevity. When 8th lord is associated with benefi c planets, it is good for longevity.

The 8th lord, whether benefic or malefic, located in 8th house increases longevity. The location of Saturn (Ayushkarka) in 8th, as an exception to Karko Bhava Nashaya, increases longevity.

Lagna lord and 8th lord in 6th or 12th house is detrimental to longevity. Similarly, 8th lord with malefics in 6th or 12th house adversely affects longevity. Lagna lord and 8th lord in 8th house, if afflicted, cause unnatural death.

Lagna lord, 8th lord and 4th lord in 6th house cause vehicular accident. Saturn with 4th lord in 6th house has same effect. The 4th lord with Rahu in 6th house causes injury by thieves. Ketu with 4th house lord in 6th causes injury from weapons.

The 12th house from any house harms that house matters. The 12th house in the horoscope shows harm to self denoted by Lagna. Malefics in 12th house cause illness and expenditure. The Sun or Saturn in 12th house makes one disease prone. Benefic aspect reduces malefic effect.

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Combination for specific diseases

Eye Diseases : The 2nd and 12th house relate to right and left eye respectively. The Sun and the Moon are significator, for eyesight. Venus represents eye-gland. Lord of Lagna, 2nd and 12th house posited in 6th, 8th or 12th, or similar location of the Sun, the Moon and Venus, or their affliction, weakness eyesight. The Sun or the Moon located in 2nd or 12th house with Mars and Saturn cause weak eyesight due to injury. Saturn in 8th house reduces eyesight. Rahu in Lagna and the Sun in 7th house make eyesight very weak.

The location of Venus with malefi cs in Lagna or 8th house causes excessive fl ow of tears and weak eyesight. Afflicted Venus in 6th house causes problem in right eye.

The location of Lagna and 2nd lord in 6th, 8th or 12th house causes cataract in middle age. Conjunction of Ketu and the Sun in 6th, 8th, 2nd and 12th house causes inflammation of eye leading to cataract. The location of the Sun in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Lagna causes cataract in early middle life.

Heart Diseases : The 4th house and the Sun are assessed for heart ailment. The Sun with malefic planet in 4th house or the Sun as 6th lord in 4th house makes one susceptible to heart disease. Jupiter as 6th lord in 4th and aspected by malefics causes palpitation of heart. Saturn as 6th lord in 4th house with a malefic planet causes heart disease.

Mars and Saturn, or afflicted Jupiter, in 4th house causes heart disease and operation in heart area.

Mutual aspect between Saturn and Mars, and Mars aspecting Lagna causes high blood pressure. Conjunction of Moon and Ketu causes problem of B.P.

Chest Diseases : Chest and lungs are governed by Moon. Those born in Cancer Lagna are prone to catch cold. Afflicted Moon makes one susceptible to cold and cough. Weak or debilitated Moon with malefic planet in Watery sign causes serious chest problem.

The combination of the Sun and the Moon in Watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) causes lung disease. Malefic aspect complicates matters. Rashi exchange by the Sun and the Moon makes one susceptible to chronic cough and even T.B. When the 4th house is afflicted by Mars, Rahu or Saturn, the person is susceptible to Bronchitis.

When Lagna is a watery sign and Lagna lord occupies duststhana, it causes Asthma. Exchange of 4th and 6th house lords, and one of them in Watery sign, causes Asthma. Affliction of 4th house by Saturn makes one liable for Asthmatic effect. Mars and Saturn in Lagna in Watery sign causes Asthma. Lagna lord and Saturn conjoined in 4th house or duststhana causes chronic Asthma.

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Stomach Diseases : 5th house governs abdomen in general and stomach and intestines in particular. The karaka for digestion is the Sun. Lord of 5th conjoined with lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house cause stomach disease. The Sun becomes malefic when with Rahu or Debilitated.

Taste is governed by Venus. Venus without affliction in 5th house gives good taste and digestion, but is overpowered by afflicting malefic. When Venus is combust, the person likes fried food. When Venus is associated with Saturn, the person eats anything without discrimination which causes upset digestion.

Any malefic in 5th house, except strong Sun, upsets digestion. Mars in 5th house gives liking for hot food which causes gastric ulcer. Mars in own sign gives healthy digestion. Debilitated Mars in any house causes sluggish digestion. Mars afflicted in 5th house causes hyperacidity and some operation in its dasha-bhukti.

Saturn in 5th house or Jupiter and the Sun there, makes one voracious eater and he suffers from diseases of over-eating. Rahu in 5th gives inclination for alcohol use, causes hyper acidity, peptic ulcer and stomachache. Ketu in 5th causes intestinal worm, upsets digestion and ulcers due to mental worry. Rahu with Saturn and Mercury causes chronic peptic ulcer. Saturn associated with Ketu causes Cancer in digestive system.

Jupiter rules over liver and pancreas. Affliction of Jupiter causes some defect in bile production. It becomes serious when the Sun is also afflicted. The association of Jupiter and Saturn harms liver function. If in 5th house, their dasha bhukti gives liver disease.

Saturn and Mars combined with 5th lord cause jaundice. When this combination is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, it is quite serious. Affliction of Jupiter and Venus causes diabetes when located in 5th house in particular. Saturn and Mars in 6th or 12th house cause intestinal colic. Saturn with Jupiter there causes biliary colic. Saturn with Mars and Mercury or Venus there cause urinary colic.

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Skin Diseases : Affliction of Lagna (body), Mercury (skin/allergy), Moon (blood) and Venus (beauty) by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars causes skin problem. Saturn with Mercury and Venus in Lagna, 2nd or 12th house causes white patches. Moon and Mars with Rahu or Ketu anywhere causes leprosy. Lagna lord and Mercury with Rahu/ Ketu has the same effect.

Lagna lord in 8th house aspected by malefics causes skin diseases. exalted in 9th house, but afflicted by Ketu. Sixth and 7th lord Saturn is posited with 8th lord Jupiter and debilitated Mercury in 8th house. Mars aspects 8th house. The native was a chronic patient of constipation and piles during Saturn Dasha - Jupiter Bhukti

All the Kendras are vacant. Lagna lord Mars is posited in its other sign Scorpio in 8th house with 6th lord Mercury and 7th lord Venus. 5th lord Sun is located in 9th house with 9th lord Jupiter, but conjoined with Rahu. Moon is in 5th house in Kemadrum Yoga and aspected by Rahu. Saturn and Mars are in Kendra to Moon. During Moon dasha (1997) he tried to go abroad for doing M.Tech. but failed and went into depression. He remained under medical and psychiatric treatment for many years.

Lagna lord Saturn is in 6th house. The Sun in 7th house at the fag end of Leo sign is in Papkartari yoga and aspected by Ketu. Due to eye disease in Mars dasha which afflicts Venus his eyesight became weak. Treatment at AIIMS, Delhi did not help. The native cannot bear sunlight, puts on sun-glasses during day, and lacks confidence.

Lagna lord Venus is debilitated in 12th house with 6th lord Jupiter, Yogakaraka Saturn and Moon, and aspected by Ketu. Debilitated 11th lord Sun and 12th lord Mercury are located in Libra lagna. Mars in 2nd house is aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Moon in 12th house is at the fag end of Virgo sign. During Moon, Mars and Rahu dasha the native suffered from one disease or the other. The dasha of 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter located in 12th house (Virgo) from May, 2002 has not helped much. The native is weak in health and uses spectacles.

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Lagna is in RahuKetu axis. Lagna lord Mercury is in 4th house (Sagittarius) with Saturn, lord of 5th and 6th house.

Ketu in Lagna is aspected by 6th lord Saturn located in 4th house. The 3rd and 8th lord debilitated Mars aspects 6th house. The 4th lord Jupiter is Retrograde in 10th house (Gemini). Saturn and Mercury are in 8th from Moon and aspected by Badhak Jupiter. Thus Lagna, 4th and 6th house are afflicted.

The native had T.B. at the age of 21 years which was fully cured by medical treatment, but it left him frail and delicate. Thereafter, he had pleurisy attack twice which made him a patient of Asthma. Infected blood transfusion also caused white patches on his skin. This was the result of conjunction of Saturn and Lagna lord Mercury in 4th house. He had a severe asthmatic attack in July, 2007 during Mercury-Venus-Rahu and was hospitalised. During the transit of Saturn in 4th from natal Moon, and 12th from Lagna, he breathed his last on August 2, 2007.

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