Casting of Horoscope by Pendulum

Casting of Horoscope by Pendulum  

Pradip M. Rokadia
Views : 2875 | October 2004
freely suspended object is called pendulum. By dowsing method one can cast horoscope. This method is known as discarding method. Prepare two separate charts as under : Lagna Rashi of Ascedent : Place your pendulum on chart 1 for dowsing. Ask the question that” at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ which element Rashi was facing towards sun at the time of sunrise", suppose the pendulum is moving towards the direction of Vayu Rashi then the Lagna Rashi will be from Gemini, Libra; or Aquarius. In this way out of twelve Rashi nine Rashi are discarded. The next step is to place the pendulum on chart -2 for dowsing. Ask the question that " at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ what was the nature of Lagna Rashi" suppose the pendulum is moving towards the direction of dual Rashi then the Lagna Rashi will be Gemini, In this way out of three Rashi two Rashi are discarded. After finding the Lagna Rashi find out the position of each planets, as per above method i e. place your pendulum on chart 1 and ask the question to the pendulum that at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ in which element Rashi does the moon resides. The pendulum will move in a particular direction there by discarding nine Rashis. Place the pendulum on chart 2 and ask the question that in which nature Rashi does the moon reside at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ. ‘The pendulum will move in a particular direction there by discarding two Rashis. You will get correct location of moon in the horoscope. Similarly find out for other planets. In this way you can cast horoscope for nine planets. Now place your pendulum on the first house of horoscope casted by you. Ask the question to the pendulum that” at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ does the Rahu resides in this house” you will get the reply in yes/no Place your pendulum on different house until you get “yes” reply. In this way you can calculate the location of “Rahu’” in the horoscope. Ketu will be at 180° from the placement of Rahu. This method is helpful when the date of birth, time of birth, or place of birth of the ascendant is not known. It is also useful as a guideline for verifying the correctness of existing horoscope. For correct and accurate reply proper experience in dowsing the pendulum is required. For knowing the strength of each planet prepare two charts. Draw a circle and divide the circle in thirty equal parts. Give a serial number from 1 to 30 for each divided part. This is your degree chart. From this chart calculate the degree of each planet. Now draw another circle and divide the circle in to sixty equal parts. Number each divided part in serial order from 1 to 60. This is your Kala and Vikala chart. Find out the Kala and Vikala of each planet with the help of pendulum. In this way you can calculate degree, Kala and Vikala of each planet. From this you can prepare other horoscopes.
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