Astro Postmortem of Bhuj and Tsunami Calamities

Astro Postmortem of Bhuj and Tsunami Calamities  

K. Santhanam
Views : 3216 | April 2005
The two natural calamities that have occurred in the recent past caused colossal human losses—the mammoth Bhuj and Sumatra earthquakes. Both of these incidents occurred on the 26th of a month when Saturn and Jupiter were in close conjunction or the former was having a third aspect upon the later. Both occurred when the Moon was transiting in the fiery and dynamic constellation of Mars. The only difference was that one occurred on the earthy sign of Taurus while the latter in the watery sign of Cancer. Numerologically, 26 adds up to 8 which is the number of Saturn. Saturn represents the Mass while its above positional relations with Jupiter leads to mass renouncements or destruction. The Rahu /Kethu axis indicates the region of optimal vibrations caused between the Sun and the Moon that are projected upon the earth. When Rahu travels in either Kethu or its own constellation the effect is more significant. It can be seen on the above two days of natural calamities inflicted on human beings, Rahu was transiting the constellation of Ardha whose lord is Rahu himself and of Aswini whose lord is Kethu. It may be mentioned that these vibrations also affect the body and mind, which are earthly in nature and the 80% fluid which the human beings possess are watery in content. Those human beings who have fallen in this zone of intensive vibration during this period would certainly have been gripped by untoward and unprecedented reactions. It could be mentioned with fair amount of confidence that seismic stresses caused by imbalances of air, water and earth occurring in an earthly sign cause earthquakes, in water signs cause Tsunamic waves and in an airy sign the volcanic upbursts. There have been many forecasts by mundane astrologers who base their forecasts on the directional forces of Pluto. I personally feel that while the directional forces exerted by all the planets in the galaxy do affect the propulsion of exorbitant centrifugal and centripetal vibrations between the Sun and the Moon, their effect upon the earth should ultimately be judged by the position of Rahu/Kethu with respect to the planets nearer to the earth. In conclusion, it may be stated with high degree of certainty, based upon such conjunctions mentioned above, that as Jupiter moves away from the grip of the mass oriented Saturn, the weapons of massive human destruction due to natural forces recede rapidly and there would be no such calamity for the next four years. Metrological experts the world over need not panic the human race with poor analytical and non-substantive forecasts.
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