The Pros and Cons of When Will I Get Married

The Pros and Cons of When Will I Get Married  

Yashkaran Sharma
Views : 256 | August 2020

In the modern era, many couples have strong opinions when it comes to marriage - be it whether to get married or be it about when will I get married. Many couples even prefer staying together without getting married. They feel that they do not need a piece of paper to define their love for each other.

Thus, if you are on a fence about whether to get married, you can go through the following pros and cons list to help you answer your questions about when will I get married.

Pros of When Will I Get Married

There are many advantages of getting married that cannot be ignored. These can be seen below:

  1. Companionship and Acceptance

Human beings are not solitary and thus, they crave companionship. If you can share your experiences with a partner who loves and cares for you and shares your concerns and interests, it enhances your life and makes you happier. Marriage is also a great way for two individuals to show their commitment to each other. Several government institutions also recognize them and give better incentives and concessions to married couples. 

  1. Others Might View the Relationship as More Legitimate

Your family members might not take you to be serious about your partner if there is no religious or legal declaration of marriage. Others may also value the bond of marriage more, as it is deep-rooted in our traditions. The title of husband and wife reflects the level of seriousness of your relationship.

  1. One Gets Insurance and Tax Breaks

After you get married, you may make changes to your assets or bank accounts. With a legal stamp of marriage, one gets insurance as well as tax breaks on your and your spouse’s name. Thus, it is also financially beneficial.

  1. Planning a Wedding is Fun

A wedding is considered one of the major milestones in one’s life, and thus many couples celebrate it on a large scale. The time spent in planning a wedding can be quite fun and creates some precious moments for your lifetime. You also get a chance to be with all your family and friends at once, which might not be possible regularly in these busy times.

  1. Removes Peer Pressure

There can be massive peer pressure from family or friends when it comes to marriage. Your loved ones play a significant role in your overall happiness and may even pressure you to make major life decisions like marriage. If you are thinking about when I will get married, you can just listen to your elders and take the step. It will remove all the pressure that you have in your mind.

  1. Enhances Stability

Marriage is generally associated with happy families in most of the countries. Stable families tend to have happier children. In a society with stable families, there are fewer social problems and less crime. Such families also have good role models for children for both practical and emotional support.

  1. Comfort and Support

Your spouse is one person who would be your go-to-person for all kinds of situations. Be it for emotional, physical, or financial support, one can always work as a team and support each other. You also have a shoulder to cry on if something goes wrong. Also, your spouse is one person who will always give you the right advice without judging you.

  1. Longer Life and Better Health

There are several studies that indicate that people who are in a committed marriage tend to be healthier, both physically and mentally, and also live a longer life. One of the best reasons of this is that you have someone to share all your problems and worries with and thus there is reduced chances of depression and anxiety in the long run. It has also been observed that married people have increased serotonin levels, a natural anti-depressant. 

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Cons of When Will I Get Married

Although there are many advantages to getting married, one cannot ignore the disadvantages that come along. These are as follows:

  1. Marriage Might seem Old-Fashioned

Today, many couples believe that they do not have to bind themselves legally for proving their love for each other. They might view it as old-fashioned, which is not important in today’s world. Marriage might even bring in commitment phobia in the minds of certain people that might not be there otherwise.

  1. Weddings can be Quite Expensive

It can be a big deal to get married, especially with inflation and the rising prices of different things. If you are wondering about when I will get married, it is important to consider the cost of it and how much you want to spend. You should also consider the people you want to invite to your wedding, as this can further add to the costs.

  1. Divorce rates are steadily Increasing

With the alarming rise of divorces across the world, it might not seem like a good idea to get married. This is because a divorce can have a big impact on the financial and mental wellbeing of an individual. In case you have children together, it can all the more result in enhanced stress.

  1. Lack of Individuality

In many cases, it might happen that marriage might restrict the freedom of an individual. If you are single, you can live your life as you please without having to worry about anyone or anything. However, after marriage, one always needs to consider the needs and wishes of others, especially your spouse.

  1. There can be Obligations

In some of the countries, the law or government may hold one partner responsible for the actions  of the other. For example, in case a husband has a lot of debts, a wife may become liable to pay them if the husband is unable to. Also, with marriage, you become responsible for the whole family instead of just yourself. This is one reason that young people are not preferring to get married these days.

  1. It can lead to stress and arguments

Getting married might not be all rosy. It may often lead to arguments that need to be resolved by both partners together. In a bad marriage, there also might be verbal or physical abuse which can also affect the health and peace of mind of an individual. In some scenarios, one may also suffer from a lot of stress if you have a toxic partner.


Getting married has several pros and cons. Hence one should consider all the factors before tying the knot. The above points are sure to help you in making the right decision.

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