Get Ready for the Immensely Powerful 10th June Solar Eclipse

Get Ready for the Immensely Powerful 10th June Solar Eclipse  

Future Samachar
Views : 857 | June 2021

After the Lunar Eclipse that occurred on 26th May 2021, we are once again about to come under the influence of another extremely powerful cosmic phenomenon. 

Yes, we are talking about the Solar Eclipse that will occur on 10th June 2021. This eclipse will be visible in parts of North America, Canada, Europe, Greenland, Russia, pockets of the Pacific, parts of Mongolia, North Pole and some regions of the African continent apart from a few more regions on Earth.

In India, this Solar Eclipse will be visible only in certain regions of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh.

This will be a partial Solar Eclipse which means from our point of view here on Earth, the Moon will not cover the entire Sun and leave the outermost periphery of the Sun with a disk-like area uncovered, making it look like a beautiful ‘Ring of Fire’.

Timings of the Solar Eclipse

The celestial phenomenon of the 10th June Solar Eclipse 2021 will be operational in our Solar System from 01:42 PM to 06:41 PM I.S.T.

The June 2021 Solar Eclipse from an Astrological Point of View 

This Solar Eclipse or ‘Surya Grahan’ will happen in the sign of Taurus where ‘Retrograde Mercury is already in transit’.

 Also, the Nakshatra in which this eclipse will occur is ‘Mrigshira’ which is ruled by Mars and currently Mars is transiting in a debilitated state in the sign of Cancer.

Mercury and Venus are forming a ‘Parivartan Yog’ and planet Saturn is also transiting in the retrograde motion in its own sign of Capricorn.  

Therefore, this Solar Eclipse will cast a highly powerful impact upon us that will unfold in the days & weeks to come. Remember the effects of a Solar Eclipse unfold slowly and are felt for a considerable period of time after it has occurred.

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Application of ‘Sutak Kaal’

Sutak Kaal is a time period that begins 12 hours prior to the starting of a Solar Eclipse and 9 hours prior to the starting of a Lunar Eclipse and ends along with the eclipse. 

During the Sutak Kaal it is advised that one must refrain from performing auspicious ceremonies and the temples also remain closed during this period.

However, since this June 2021 Solar Eclipse will be partial in nature, the need to observe a ‘Sutak Kaal’ will not be there as the concept of Sutak Kaal applies only in the case of a Full or Complete Eclipse.

So without any further delay, let us look at the effects that this Solar Eclipse on 10th June 2021 will have on people of all 12 Ascendant Signs!


This Eclipse will occur in the 2nd house of your Horoscope. Money matters will make you anxious and you will get a feeling of money being slipped away from your hands. Your mind will remain hyperactive in search of a lucrative financial investment opportunity. Do not take any financial decision in a hurry and do not invest in a risky financial instrument by getting carried away by the prospect of quick & great returns. Your relationship with your family members will deteriorate if you focus too much on wealth and neglect your near & dear ones.


This Eclipse will occur in the 1st house of your Horoscope. You will get very conscious about your looks and the way people are perceiving you. Your image in the society will become your prime focus during this time. However, your obsession about your image might be taken as your arrogance and this might deteriorate your equation with people around you. You will feel fired up and ready to make serious plans for your future. Your relationship with your spouse will depend upon your ability to listen & respect an opinion of your spouse that you may disagree with.

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This Eclipse will occur in the 12th house of your Horoscope. An opportunity from a foreign land might come your way that would lay the foundation of good earnings in the times to come. You will get over some bitter past experiences of your life and will likely make a fresh & constructive move that will keep you positively occupied going ahead. Take care of your health and keep following a healthy dietary plan. Avoid unnecessary spending as there could be some unexpected expenditures for which you must be well prepared financially.


This Eclipse will occur in the 11th house of your Horoscope. Your temptation to fulfill your desires will increase and you will find things turning into your favour as far as your goals in life are concerned. However, maintain a calm & composed state of mind with your focus on achieving complete & long term success rather than bursts of short lived near term gains. Things will become clearer and you will have more control of your life than you had earlier. Your social network or friend circle will expand. Your relationship with your elder siblings will improve significantly.

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This Eclipse will occur in the 10th house of your Horoscope. There will be a constant tussle in your mind about your career. Much of your time & energy will be spent in finding & evaluating the career related options that you have and whether you are on the right track in terms of professional growth & success. Do not take any career related decision in haste or out of compulsiveness. This is not a favourable time for making a job switch. If you were planning to buy or sell a property earlier then give it another thought and avoid making ill thought out financial decisions that might create long term hassles. Take good care of your mother’s health.


This Eclipse will occur in the 9th house of your Horoscope. New opportunities of learning will come your way both formal as well as informal. Your longing to explore the spiritual path will increase and you will get further drawn towards the avenues of self realization. Some guidance from your father or a father like figure will prove to be very beneficial for you and help you immensely in moving ahead towards your goals in life. Some long distance travel is on the cards. You may not travel immediately but most likely finalize your travel for the coming months.


This Eclipse will occur in the 8th house of your Horoscope. There might be sudden monetary gains in your life but there could be an irreversible loss in the process as well. You could have a misunderstanding with someone close that would have an adverse impact on your peace of mind. You will find it hard to arrive at a decision with a lot of issues that have been going on in your life. A dispute regarding inheritance will be resolved which will bring much sought after relief. Be very careful while driving and avoid unnecessary travels.

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This Eclipse will occur in the 7th house of your Horoscope. This is a fragile time as far as your relationship with your spouse is concerned. Any difference of opinion with your life partner must be dealt with a mature approach. Your business venture will attract turbulence and you might face some regulatory hurdles that would refrain you from expanding your business. It is advised that you put your expansionary business plans on hold for a while and focus on improving the current profit trajectory of your business.


This Eclipse will occur in the 6th house of your Horoscope. Your health should be your prime concern around and post this Solar Eclipse as this is the aspect of your life that is under multiple planetary influences. Follow a healthy routine consisting of nutritious food as well as regular exercise in accordance with your body type. You will find it hard to strike a work-life balance and your equation with your colleagues will attract some friction as well. If you are going through a litigation process then be careful as things can suddenly turn against you. It is best to go for an amicable reconciliation and make certain wise compromises that would avoid a lot of trouble in the future.


This Eclipse will occur in the 5th house of your Horoscope. If you are a parent then focus on strengthening the bond of care &  affection that you share with your children. Students might loose their focus but they should work hard & concentrate on their academic curriculum. If you are in a love relationship then be very careful about how you communicate with your loved one as any miscommunication can create serious problems in your relationship. Avoid speculation at all costs and make only well throughout financial investments.


This Eclipse will occur in the 4th house of your Horoscope. Things on your family as well as professional front will not function as per your expectations and this will make you feel anxious and uneasy. There could be a change of residence due to a job transfer or job change. This is a good time to move ahead in the direction of finalizing a new home space or even renovating your existing one. Take special care of your mother’s health.


This Eclipse will occur in the 3rd house of your Horoscope. The courage factor in your personality would increase. However, do not take any compulsive decisions in the name of boldness that you would have to regret later. Things will change for good for those who are in the fields of creative writing, public speaking, art, media and journalism. Watch out for your relationship with your younger siblings and even your neighbours. Take care of your father’s health. You might be required to go on some short travel. Make sure that you travel only if it is absolutely necessary.

These are the in-general effects that the Solar Eclipse of 10th June 2021 will have on people of all 12 Ascendant Signs. 

To know how different planets are specifically affecting various aspects of your life, contact Future Point and consult with highly experienced Astrologers who would perform a comprehensive analysis of your Personal Horoscope or Janam Kundli and reveal the plans that fate has for you. 

Plus, get powerful & effective astrological remedies that would pacify the ill placed planets of your Horoscope and at the same time strengthen those that are positively placed thus, empowering you to overcome hurdles and move towards success & prosperity in your life! 

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