Astrology Help you Choose the Right Career

Astrology Help you Choose the Right Career  

Future Samachar
Views : 699 | May 2021

It’s always admirable to see people who do well for themselves in their life. Everyone wishes to have a good and a balanced career. A good career gives you money as well as satisfaction of doing something in your life. But not everyone achieves success in their career. The reason for that is they do not choose the correct career. If lata Mangeshkar would have chosen to play cricket then she would be a failure or if Sachin Tendulakar would have chosen to become a singer then he would not have achieved such heights in his career.

The key is to choose the right career as per your capabilities and strength. Sometimes as a student you are not able to analyse your strengths. Even parents often say that they do not realise which career is correct for their child. The answer lies in career astrology. 

Career Horoscopes are definite indicators of your professional destinations and your success rate as they are based on the planetary positions in your birth chart. There can be a SWOT (strength , weakness, opportunities and threat) analysis according to your Kundli. The planets that are well placed in the career houses can be your strengths. And whenever their dasha operates those can be your opportunities. 

There are a few houses in a birth chart that need to be analysed for career. These are -  

  1. 10th house - the first and foremost house for analysis of a native’s career is the 10th house. This gives an indication about the line that will be best suited for a native. It also gives an idea about how well will the native do in his or her career and earn name and fame. It is also a part of the arth trikon which represents money earned in life. Case study - In Narendra Modi’s birth chart the lord of 10th house is sun which clearly shows he will get into work related to the government and do very well. Also two lords of the Kendra (4th and 7th house) are placed in the 10th house making the house very powerful. This shows he will shine high in his career. 
  2. 2nd house - this is also one of the arth trikon and represents dhan. A person with a strong 2nd house earns good money in life. This also indicates the type of line a native will choose. Basically it shows the bank balance of a person. Case study - Donald trump has Jupiter the karak of the second house placed in the second house which shows he will be a very wealthy man. Also the lord of his second house Mercury is placed in the 11th house which in Gemini which is its own house. This is a very strong dhan yog and he will always be very lucky with money. 
  3. 6th house - this is the 3rd of the arth trikon. It’s also an upchaya house as well as a trik house. The 6th house is a wonderful house which is bad as well as good. This is the house of competition so either it is for competitive exams, getting a job or killing competition in business it is very important to have a good 6th house. A person with a strong 6th house always does good in career. Case study - Mukesh Ambani has a very strong 6th house. Considering he’s a the richest man in Asia, his 6th house has to be strong as he crushes all his competitors. The lord of 7th, 10th as well as 11th house is in the 6th house. This gives him immense wealth and an edge over his competitors. 
  4. 11th house - this is an upchaya house too and represents house of fulfilment of desires. All planets give good results in this house but malefics give more of a push to do well in life. If more than one planet is placed here then the person may have more income sources. Case study - Indira Gandhi has the karak of the 11th house Jupiter placed in the 11th house. It is the lord of 6th as well as the 9th house which makes it very powerful. Such people get their desires fulfilled and do well in their career. 

Apart from these houses, the planets also indicate a particular career. When these planets are associated with the 10th house then the native is likely to go into a particular career. It is not necessary that a planet should be placed there, it can be associated in any way and should be powerful. A career Astrologer who has done an astrology course will be able to analyse this well. Also the D-10 chart needs to be studied in detail.

A broad idea according to the planet traits are –  

  1. Sun - mostly into government related work. If well placed then  a leader or politician. 
  2. Moon - chefs, travelling, restaurants, export. 
  3. Mars - engineer, police, army, surgeon. 
  4. Mercury - accounting, writing, astrologers, editors.
  5. Jupiter - finance, teaching, scholars, spiritual guru. 
  6. Venus - beauty, art, music, entertainment industry. 
  7. Saturn - agriculture, building, real estate.
  8. Rahu - researchers, medicines, aviation. 
  9. Ketu - metaphysics, religion, computers. 

Like this there are many things that need to be analysed. If you talk to an astrologer he can point out the best career line for you and then anyone can excel in their field and fulfil their desires.

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