Samudrik Shastra and Face Analysis

Samudrik Shastra and Face Analysis  

Mansi Singh
Views : 63119 | October 2010

Is there a single horizontal line between your eyes?

It shows you have the weight and responsibility of the world on your shoulders. You need to find a way to ease the burden you feel you’re carrying.

Do your ears stick out?

This shows you are a nonconformist and an independent thinker. You are a scholar and a quick thinker but you are also stubborn.

Are your earlobes attached to the side of your head?

This reveals just what a “bossy boots” you are. People often perceive you as superficial.

Do your eyebrows meet in the middle?

You need to stop taking everything so personally or else you’ll often find yourself feeling depressed. Stop worrying so much. Your mind is always on the go and you find it hard to relax.

Are your eyes deep-set?

You are cautious and reserved. Although you are deeply romantic, you never let yourself become unrealistic in love. You usually become successful from your late thirties onwards.

Do you have two big front teeth?

This reveals that you are impatient, stubborn as a mule and need to be constantly reassured.

Face analysis offers much information about the nature and character of a person. A professional can analyze some of the characteristics such as intelligence, reliability and honesty.

Samudrika Shastra deals with the various marks on the body which are said to indicate the type of person, his character, life and experiences. Samudrika Shastra is a Sanskrit term that roughly translates as “knowledge of body features.” This tradition assumes that every natural or acquired bodily mark encodes its owner’s psychology and destiny. Elevation, depression, elongation, diminution, and other marks become relevant.

Mind is the subtle body and body is gross mind. As are the thoughts, so is the body. So a continuous pattern of thinking will bring changes in the body accordingly.

The most unforgettable and unique feature of a human is his/her face. Each face reflects in its structures and lines its owner’s personal history, mental attitudes, intimacy needs, ethics, emotional style, and verbal communication. Face analysis is an age-old technique of interpreting the outward appearance of an individual to reveal his character and temperament. It has been mentioned extensively in the literatures of medieval times and also in classical works of Homer and Hippocrates. Physiognomy or face reading is a branch of ancient practical philosophy. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, used to examine the personality of a person by reading different features of the face as well as the skin color, body, hair, voice, gait and limbs. Face reading was practiced by Latin philosophers such as Pliny the Elder, Suetonius and Juvenal.

The inquisitive human mind has always been fascinated to know more about the minds of his fellow men. The ancient Chinese art of face reading believed in the ideology that the human face was a reflection of the inner spirit and the people of Medieval Europe thought the face was synonymous with virtue. There are over 100 points on the face that you can analyze to find more about a person.

Face analysis is subjective in nature. Its subjective nature makes it an art. Your face shape can give you a broad idea of your personality. Your features might serve as a rough sketch of your persona. Though your face is not a direct derivative of who you are, it is definitely an interface to the self within you! Here are a few face reading tips that you may find useful when trying to learn more about a person and some information on what your features have to say.

Facial Shape : Face shape and personality are believed to have a direct association. Mirror the characteristics of one’s personality. Different features of the face, their shapes and sizes.

A long and thin face indicates endurance. A person with this type of face is believed to be firm and confident, one, who strives to fulfill each of his/her dreams. A broad face is suggestive of a broad mind and a broad perspective towards life. People with a broad face are seen to be sensitive in nature. A round face is significant of a jovial person who knows how to lighten up other faces.

Forehead - Shape : Forehead of a person depicts the thinking style.

* Straight Forehead: People with a straigh forehead are known progressive thinkers and follow a progressive style of thinking. They cannot think of a third point, until they understand the second point. They are mostly misunderstood in childhood as dumb kids though, they turn out to be intelligent. It is the progressive style that slows down their thinking and they do not have a fast reflex response. They have difficulty when working under pressure and need time to think progressively. Thus many times they tend to loose their control in situations like the last few minutes before their exam ends or in case of deadlines.

* Slopped Forehead: These people are fast thinkers and so quick that they tend to complete your sentences before you finish. They are easily bored with people with straight forehead as they cannot slow down to match their speed. You can find basketball players and football players with slopped foreheads as they are quick and fast. They are also quick decision makers and thus tend to get caught in wrong decisions.

* Curved Forehead: These are very creative people and do not like restrictions thrust on them. They love to use their imagination and hate to do maths and accounts. They are very good with arts and areas related to creativity and imagination. The curve of their head tends to occupy a large section of their brain, thus they are very intelligent and you may find many geniuses among them.

Eyes : The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and you can learn a lot with the help of the eyes. If someone has prominent eyes, they are bright and happy and you may conclude that the person is a kind hearted, friendly and approachable individual. Small, shifty eyes indicate a nervous temperament. Small eyes, may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person.

Eyes that are close set tend to show good concentration power. Uneven set eyes show the person looks at things from different perspectives. Wide set eyes indicate a broad minded and tolerant person they have little regard for figures of authority. Narrow set eyes indicate a narrow minded person.

The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants. People with deep set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields. You can even learn more about a person by the way he or she looks, whether a warm hearted person or cold and cruel nature or an amorous lover.

Eyebrows - The eyebrows of a person reveal his temperament and reputation. An ideal brow is highly arched. This pattern of eyebrow is seen on the faces of actors and actresses. If you come across an individual with developed brow line, you would know he is observant and dexterous. Sensitive and aesthetic temperaments are associated with a straight brow. A thin set of eyebrows reveal the cautious nature of an individual while making major decisions. If a person has weak or thin eye brows, he tends to be indecisive and may lack in self confidence. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Unibrow shows an intense persistance and these people tend to be jealous and possessive in nature. They are introverts and tend to think a lot.

Philtrum - One of the facial features to be noticed is the groove on the upper lip known as the Philtrum. If an individual has an unpronounced philtrum it reveals his low energy level. While, a deep and clearly marked groove means strong and healthy energy levels.

Lips - The lips are associated with communication, ability to nurture and sensual appetites. Full and round lips would convey caring nature of an individual. A thin lower lip indicates giving nature while a thin top lip and full bottom lips indicate people who cannot reciprocate in a relationship. Full top lip and thin lower lip shows an over giving person. Small lips mean a self centered personality. Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and downward curve shows a hard to please person.

Nose : The attitude and wealth of a person is revealed by the size of one’s nose. An ideal nose has a high and straight nose bridge and a fleshy nose tip. The fleshy tip is a symbol of warmth, cordiality and a deep sense of empathy. They set high standards set for themselves and are basically good mannered souls. People with big or over sized nose tips indicate violent streaks and a larger nose tips shows more proneness to violent acts. An aquiline nose shows a strong willed, independent and enterprising individual. An upturned nose indicates someone who loves to mix with people around him.

Mouth : Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character.

Jaw line : A strong jaw line is indicative of a very strong value system in a person. They are quick to judge and have high stamina as well as endurance power. These people tend to be stubborn. Weak jaw line indicates weak personality and a weak willed person. They are easily influenced by others and tend to live life according to terms set by others. People with a wider jaw line than the ear line indicate a highly competitive person. They hate losing and do not tolerate competition.

Wrinkles : The crow’s feet or wrinkles around the eyes indicate an open hearted person. They are also called as joy lines as these people tend to spread happiness wherever they go. Vertical frown lines between the eyes show a logical, hardworking and a very decisive individual. The purpose lines, that is, lines the extending from the nose to the mouth are indicative of people that are walking on the right path of life.

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