Prediction Technique

(368 Articles) View 1443 Hindi articles
The Karmic Numbers

The Karmic Numbers

Vinay Singal

What is Karma? : Karma is the belief that one reaps what one sows. In esoteric literature, karma is thought of as the universal law of cause and effect, which is played out over many cycles of rebirth, and so the playing out of ka... more

NumerologyPrediction Technique

Jan 2008

Views: 5524

Chinese Numerology

Chinese Numerology

Vinay Singal

What is Numerology? Numerology is the science of number, a method of character analysis which uses the numbers of names and birth dates in an attempt to solve the age-old question “Who am I?” Numerologists generally work with th... more

NumerologyPrediction Technique

Jul 2006

Views: 5186

Numerology/ Ank Jyotish

This artical answers the question like- Who Am I? Everybody wants to know their future or their present.Numerology can be used as a practical medium of understanding one's nature, talents, life goals, hidden characteristics, oppor... more

NumerologyPrediction Technique

Oct 2010

Views: 22778

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